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Everything posted by sdhornesq

  1. Sup Rimbo No, I mean if the Big XII is going to die, how is this a bad deal for the rest of the teams?
  2. How is this not a good deal for all involved?
  3. I think being fully remote is even worse for these students. Can you imagine just being in your dorms 100% of the time with the "responsibility" of going to class virtually but not physically? They have to be partying 100%, being drunk or high, and trying to get laid. Surprised all of them don't have COVID already. Just keep the football players away from that.
  4. Historically, no, they don't. And it also wouldn't be shocked if they screw Bru over here. But I get the feeling that the general attitude at the NCAA has changed, even so slightly, toward the athlete with the O'Bannon case and other recent developments.
  5. My suspicion is that the following arguments cumulatively win the day: (1) Kingsbury sold him on his system and Kingsbury left without coaching any players or in any games without penalty. Why shouldn't Bru? (2) He was only enrolled for a couple of weeks and both left USC before their drop class deadline and enrolled at UT before the enrollment deadline. (3) He was released from his NLI by USC (4) He committed to UT on or before NSD2 (should have just waited but 18 year old kids make decisions like 18 year old kids) I think neither USC or the NCAA want to deny eligibility this year under these circumstances. It would be a very bad look.
  6. That's an interesting question. Reports today were that USC is releasing him from his NLI and I read that that was the first battle that could take 30 days from Bru's request that they do so. If they didn't, then Bru had to go appeal to the NCAA to play this year. Is that where we stand if USC releases him, he can play? Or can they release him and he still needs to request USC if he can play this year and if they say no, he appeals to the NCAA?
  7. Although not a sure thing, something tells me they don't make him sit out a year.
  8. Potential risk, but coach can and probably should be recruiting to stay. Plus if it gets out that the coach is anti-FA, that should diminish the attractiveness of that program to future HS recruits. The power has definitely shifted towards the players in that regard. Maybe not completely, but they definitely have more leverage.
  9. 247 now: He in
  10. The NCAA definitely did not think that so many kids would at least test the waters. And, honestly, why wouldn't you unless you're starting. Might as well test out FA and you could always retract w/o penalty. If the rules stay the same, can put name into portal w/o penalty, rather than having to forfeit your scholarship first before testing, other rule changes are going to need to happen. At the very least I see raising the total number of scholies and number of players that can be taken in any one year. Also, do we move to perpetual recruitment of other teams' second strings and just treat the portal as a "waiver wire" and secondary source for recruits year in and year out? Interesting times.
  11. Having granted Bru his full release, Bru's lawyers should pressure USC to join Bru in his petition to play in 2019. We have entered the wild, wild world of college athlete free agency now and if USC wants to recruit the best athletes, they cannot be seen as unreasonable dicks.
  12. OK. Bag secured. Hook Em!
  13. True. Especially in the rub n tug world. So, go meet up with a pimp-less escort instead.
  14. OK, totally love Michelle now.
  15. Trying to point out the website (rubmaps.com) featured in the news story. Rub n tugs are pretty easy to find online.
  16. Start here: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Website-Shows-More-than-150-Massage-Parlors-Selling-Sex-in-San-Diego-County-500097661.html https://www.rubmaps.com/
  17. If not for the whole Aaron Hernandez thing, I'd debate the whole "Urban is a POS" thing. It think, at best for him, he has a weird and misplaced sense of loyalty to people who are clearly bad people. With Zach, the loyalty is to Earle Bruce who was fired at least in part due to his own mental instability and grudges he held against others. What has been clear looking at the rest of the Smith clan via Twitter last night (Zach and brother Colin T., in particular) is that Zach's behavior is not a one off. This is pretty much how the Smith clan rolls. I thought I had determined through my internet research that Colin T. is a young lawyer with a firm in Dayton, OH. But I couldn't confirm that. If I could confirm that, I was going to suggest that he not follow his brother's lead and spread rumors and other defamatory statements on Twitter to avoid not only being sued but so that he could have a successful legal career. Urban covered up for Zach so many times and brought him along with him from UF to tOSU (back home--family reunion). It would be interesting to see what debts Urban feels he owes the Bruce family other than his outsized sense of loyalty.
  18. Time to fly it above the stadium.
  19. Must listen radio Tuesday at 1 p.m.
  20. https://twitter.com/CoachZachSmith/status/1061746170505150464 This is the first post he did today. He may not like Tom but he really hates Michelle. Never a good way to prove that you don't beat or threaten women then to threaten another woman.
  21. This POS really likes to end every post with lol or lmao Dude might as well just pour gasoline over his head and strike a match. Whatever reputation he had is going up in flames. You know employers check social media before hiring, right?
  22. Just half? Clearly some of us lack commitment to the program.
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