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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Yeah, I think there was something else here too. Beamer had murder in his eyes. I wonder if something got said during the bowl activities or something?
  2. I feel like they're just trying to get Jeanty as many yards as possible at this point
  3. Back to back runs for Franklin. I don't think Boise can stop PSU if they keep doing this Edit: Huge TFL on a zone read (?). No Pedo has to throw
  4. Ouch. I haven't Shadow Operative in this thread, so I'll say it for him: fucking Ks, man
  5. Tough run for Madsen Edit: Madsen giveth and he taketh away
  6. Awesome run by Jeanty there. Hopefully, he's about to go off
  7. PSU is detestable and they're going to win. This is what I get for watching a game without edible mascots and a toaster trophy
  8. Nice slant - but I think it's coming back Edit: brutal - personal foul takes a TD off the board
  9. My thought as well. If Boise's average athlete was just a little bit better...
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