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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by campcrunk

  1. Maybe there's something I'm not aware of here but that definitely seems like it wouldn't suck.
  2. "wHaT dOeS mEyeRr’S NfL DeCiSiOn SaY aBoUt UT?" It says that Tim Cowlishaw is, always was, and always will be a fucking moron and a greasy stain on a profession that already employs a record number of complete failures who couldn't hack it virtually any other industry.
  3. Absolutely this. There's absolutely no shortage of 6'2" to 6'4" kids with good speed playing out of position in this state. You just have to identify the traits you want, figure out how to sell a position change, and do a good job developing them. it can definitely be done - it's just that the past few Texas staffs have been a little bit... lacking in some of these areas (development in particular).
  4. That looked like pretty solid coaching to me. Two penalties all game (plus a really egregious PI that should have been called). MSU generally tackled well. Their DBs got beat in coverage a few times but nothing like what we've been forced to get used to. Special teams coverage pinned Montana inside their own 20 several times. And Choate went for it on 4th and 1 while up 41-14 on his biggest rival - and scored on the play. It's only a one game sample size and I'm obviously not an analyst or expert. But I really liked what I saw.
  5. I think there's good reason to be really, really excited about PK and Choate. I don't know if this has been posted or not but here's the 2019 Montana State vs. Montana game. It looks like Choate is also a proponent of PK's 2-4-5 look but he also threw in a bunch of other formations. It looks like the ILBs run to the ball, swarm, and cover well. Based on the first quarter (I'm still watching), to my very untrained eye, they look well coached. I think they're going to make a hell of a team for us on D. Edit: I also didn't see Montana State commit any penalties in the first quarter. That would be a very welcome change
  6. Halle-fucking-lujah. Now let's go get Marve or Lupoi and kick some ass.
  7. Ignoring everything related to Mike Stoops and OU (which would be absurd, but we'll pretend for a moment anyway), this is an absolutely horrible hire. He's despised by almost everyone he's ever coached or coached with, he has more skeletons in his closet that Jeffrey Dahmer, and he's total dog shit as a coach. I would be incredibly pissed even if he wasn't a Stoops.
  8. I can't believe this shit. In what universe is "we'll let Coleman Hutzler walk to make room for Mike Stoops" considered anything other than complete insanity? Even if he wasn't a Stoops, even if he had never coached at OU, he's still an absolute prick with a TON of skeletons in his closest. On top of that, he's utter dog shit as a coach. This is an abject failure of a hire. It will (and should) completely flip the fanbase's view on Sark. Unbelievable.
  9. Trading Hutzler for Stoops is every bit as much an abject failure as the Watson and Warehime hires. I don't give a flying fuck what his last name is. You had one of the best and brightest young coaches in the country under contract and you let him go to make room for a universally detested, complete asshole who hasn't coached LBs in three decades. Not to mention his substance abuse shit and the fact that everyone who's ever come into contact with him despises him. Oh, and he's an utter disaster as a coach, too. There is absolutely no way to justify this hire. There's still OU shit all over his Twitter account, for fuck's sake. Unbelievably tone deaf and idiotic hire. It's like Sarkisian is writing a case study on how to build up a whole bunch of good will and then burn through it in a matter of minutes.
  10. Per the comments, the only two people who actually pay attention to Cal football seem to like him. That's a good sign, right?
  11. Oof. It's like watching a rape apologist polar bear rip a baby seal that eats dicks into a thousand little pieces.
  12. Is Sarkisian who I wanted? Obviously not. Did I want Herman gone? Fuck yes. I'll take it just to get that arrogant shitbrick off of our sidelines. Given the way recruiting was very rapidly circling the drain, we'll be better off in the long for dumping him now even though it means not getting Meyer.
  13. OOF. Hullaby almost killed him.
  14. Fuck it. Score 70. There's enough time if they put Casey back in.
  15. Nice to see Jett Bush still bringing the pain. And awesome job by Roschon.
  16. Jesus fucking Christ. They subbed in Card and Wiley still can't get on the field. What kind of dirt does Brewer have on Herman?
  17. Wow. Card doing his best Lance McIlhenny impression. That was nice.
  18. Very much so. Subbing in Roschon for Bijan was not reassuring. Thank God for Casey.
  19. Wow. So happy to have been so wrong. Sam hasn't thrown this many on-point deep balls in one season, let alone a single game.
  20. Heeeeere we go...
  21. "Comfortable" lead means it's probably time for Herman to take Bijan out and call inside zone three times each possession... Probably until the lead is no longer comfortable.
  22. Well, he was already sitting out best TE, best RB, and apparently our best QB. Would it surprise anyone if he was also sitting one of our best WRs?
  23. Funny how plays like that tend to work when you run them with guys like Bijan and Whittington instead of Schooler and Ingram.
  24. Piss poor coaching. I blame Casey Horny. And also Herman. Always Herman.
  25. Trying to temper my expectations on Thompson. He's never looked anywhere near this good that I can recall. But that last TD throw - holy shit, that was a baller pass.
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