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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by campcrunk

  1. You guys don't get it. Yurcich is a double agent - he tanked tOSU's chances by causing Fields to throw two picks to help kick their recruiting out of Texas. Don't you read the Buckeye boards? Mensa, 4D chess, and all that other shit.
  2. This. Seriously. I don't know why this was ever a question. I don't give a shit that OU got crushed except that it was absolutely fucking hilarious. Lincoln Riley's baffled, hopeless face on the sidelines warmed my cold, dead heart. What we did had much more of an effect on our season than anything to do with our shit conference - most of whom I don't give two shits about (ISU and OSU are alright, I guess). The wheels came the fuck off because our coaching staff was, by and large, a total shitshow comprised of a miserable, arrogant prick of an HC, some decent to good position coaches/recruiters, and a couple other position coaches who probably don't even belong at a DII school. There's no fixing the first one (at this time). Hopefully, we're addressing the last problem. We should be significantly better next year just based on the fact that 3rd and Orlando won't be an issue. Neither will Mehringer's incompetent ass (among others). Am I expecting the playoffs? No, I'm not (although I'm open to being pleasantly surprised). But I do think we'll be better.
  3. I don't know, y'all. I was watching some old OSU highlights and Yurcich kept calling pass plays from the shotgun when the RB was lined up a yard behind the QB. Is that allowed? I feel like we already get penalized more than enough. Seriously, I like this potential (let's not jinx anything here) hire a ton. I'm not as thrilled about Ash, but I'm at least willing to keep an open mind. In any case, the team should be much, much, much improved simply based on the lack of Orlando and Beck.
  4. Wow. A non-attorney lecturing an auditorium full of lawyers about ex-parte communications. I'm sure that went over incredibly well. I'd be disappointed if they didn't laugh him off of the stage.
  5. Damn. Excellent point. Assuming that JQJ's knee is healed up in time, just imagine about a situational package with him and Bijan. Now we're getting my hopes up and I don't like it one bit.
  6. I'm out of rep, but this. A thousand times, this. Sam/Rojo/Milroe running the zone read with Bijan out a four wide set would be incredible.
  7. It just said "Damn" and quoted Smith's tweet. The fact that he'd choose to post something siding with Smith despite all of the documented evidence to the contrary says everything you need to know about FWK. Fuck that guy. I hope he gets popped Will Lyles style and winds up sweeping the fucking floor at Target.
  8. BTW, what a strange and fascinating coincidence that this tweet came out not long after it was rumored that Mensa was potentially looking to hire a valued member away from Smith's beloved tOSU. How interesting! Totally unrelated, I'm sure.
  9. This is how I feel as well. Not that I really want to give Herman the benefit of the doubt, but Smith is one of the biggest football-adjacent pieces out there wasting oxygen at the moment. Herman at his absolute shittiest does not even begin to approach Smith's level. At the very least, if this was true, we'd have heard about it back when Jackson won Heisman as a sophomore.
  10. Fuck tape fingers in the ear. And then fuck him in the other ear. If we hire that shit bag, I'm done with TH forever - and CDC too for letting it happen. Fortunately, I don't think we're going to have to worry about it. If the Air Raid was too "out there" for Herman, I can't imagine he'd be OK with the Veer and Shoot. Edit: Fire Casey Horny. Fuck that guy too.
  11. Does Savion Williams look like a take to anyone else? His Hudl reminds me of LJH. Is it just a question of whether he can catch, since he played QB for Marshall? http://www.hudl.com/v/2CKgnv
  12. I've Mensa hires that shit bag, I'm done with this program until there's a new HC. Period. I already stopped my meager donations and quit buying new gear over Horny. Briles would be the absolute last straw. I'll go back to following the NHL and college hockey full time or take up some other hobby. Preferably one that doesn't ruin nearly all of my Saturdays from late August to the end of November.
  13. That's a painful ass list to read. At least Gray had an excuse - poor kid was never the same after his Achilles injury. Outside of him and Foreman, the rest of the guys before Ingram and Brown were just either not that good or totally wasted behind some of the worst offensive lines I've had the displeasure of watching. Although I still feel like Chris Warren could have been a pro-bowler and maybe even more with the right coaching. As a defensive end.
  14. On the bright side, it was rental. I'm guessing you didn't get the deposit back, though. I really don't even drink that much anymore - certainly not like I used to. But there's something special about our games against TCU since they joined the Big XII that just makes me want to crawl inside a bottle of whiskey before those Saturdays.
  15. See, I was under some kind of weird delusion that: 1) Charlie was already automatically gone after KU; and 2) the kids would come out and fight like hell for him to win one on the way out. It occurred to me that Powers might try to keep Charlie with a win because hE's SuCh A gOoD gUy, but I was under the delusion that losing KU had sealed his fate no matter what. In hindsight, you're 100% correct - as miserable as watching that shitshow was, it was probably for the best because it removed any excuse Powers might have had for keeping Strong.
  16. For me, it was the 2016 TCU game. That game was not nearly as "close" as the final score indicated and it was one of biggest displays of offensive futility of the Charlie Strong era - which is really saying something. Obviously, it was also right after the KU disaster. I blacked out just before halftime, which was pretty merciful in hindsight. Unfortunately, I was also at my in-laws for Thanksgiving, which didn't go over so well with my wife. Or her parents. Or her grandparents.
  17. Honestly, we need to start smaller than that. Let's start by looking for someone who doesn't give away the play based on where the running back is and go from there.
  18. Of fucking course - we could have blown that out of the water if we really wanted Harrell. And we clearly should have really wanted Harrell. Unless the headman is a narcissistic maniac who refuses to allow any outside viewpoints because HE knows more than everyone. I just do not believe there is any chance that LSU will let that happen. They'll pull all of Louisiana's highway and public works funding to make sure. And then, since that's only like $12.00, they'll make cuts to entitlement funding and whatever the fuck else they have to. Brady isn't leaving LSU this year - and he sure as fuck isn't going anywhere to work for Herman's ass.
  19. $1.2 million seems like a lot. Until you think about what we could have paid if Tom really wanted Harrell. Seems pretty obvious to me that Mensa never had any intention of making a run at Harrell - because we could have doubled that. I'm going to assume that all of the rumors about him not wanted to mess with "his" offense were true. It's not quite promoting-Bobby-Jack-Wright level bad, but I'm guessing the boosters who would have paid through the nose for Harrell aren't happy. On the plus side, you can probably start counting the days until Herman is gone. If that's what it takes, I guess I can live with that. Chris Ash and Rhett Lashlee/Major Applewhite, come on down. Let's get this asshole fired sooner rather than later.
  20. Obviously photoshopped. The SEC patch should be twice the size of the aggy patch.
  21. I think Okam would be a home run for a lot of reasons if Herman is smart enough to pull that trigger - he would have an amazing pitch to parents based on his own status as a super high achiever in football and academics.
  22. I'm out of rep, but so much this. He's already THREE YEARS overdue. Oh,and his unit is arguably the worst part of a shitty team. He should've been gone first - and he fucking well better be gone ASAP. In summation: fuck you, Casey Horny, you rape apologist piece of shit. Fuck off to Mt. Vernon or some shit and fuck up their special teams.
  23. I'm very happy to have been wrong about the staff changes, but I'm going to need to see who the replacements are before I'll consider changing my mind about Herman. Also, that shit with Mehringer's bitch ass, if even 25% true, is exactly how talented offenses (and teams) fall apart midway through a season. Especially if you sprinkle in shitty, shitty playcalling and a historically bad defense. If true, the fact that Herman didn't fire him on the spot is concerning.
  24. I mean, what DL wouldn’t want to go be a part of the elite pass rush and overall defense aggy trotted out there tonight? Say what you want about our shitty team. They got more pressure on Burrow than this shit show. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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