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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by campcrunk

  1. Honestly? I'd be OK with Herman maybe keeping Naivar, Hand, Drayton (but only because it seems like we need him to keep Robinson), and I guess Beck could stay if he'll only be co-OC (passing game coordinator or some shit) due to his recruiting - but only if someone else is calling the plays. And none of those guys are absolved of anything - we've had some spectacularly shitty OL play lately, safeties who can't tackle worth a fuck, Ingram still running into the wrong gap/indecisively dancing around in the backfield too long, and Sam seems to have regressed. If anyone besides those four guys is back, then fuck Herman forever. I won't ever cheer for Texas to lose, but I will be cheer for some kind of massive off the field scandal involving Herman's time at Houston, tOSU, ISU, Rice, Cal Lutheran, or where the fuck ever that gives us cause to shitcan him immediately.
  2. Just our fucking luck. Okam is a guy who potentially gave up millions to come back for his senior year just in case he decided to go to medical school instead of the NFL - as he was talked about as a potential first rounder at the time, but ended up going in what, the 7th after his senior year? And he's a smart, relatable, hard working, good coach. Absolutely fucking shocking. I'm sure moms and dads just hate him. Gee, do you guys think he might be interesting in coaching at his alma mater (assuming the HC isn't an arrogant fucking prick)? Meanwhile, Giles falls ass-backwards into Broughton and Fillanger (only after losing out on Leal and before losing 4i Princely and probably Collins) and I'd guess the odds of him being back next year are probably close to 90% because Mensa loves him some "yes" men. How many sacks does our DL have again? How have they looked compared to the Baylor DL? Or just anyone not named "Coburn" and/or maybe "Roach?" Remind me again what an awesome "developer of talent" Giles is? I really hope I'm wrong. I really hope Herman isn't going to come out after the season and say "we had to keep Oscar and Drew because Oscar got us Broughton and Drew was 2019's #1 recruiter." But I don't think I am. Meanwhile, Samples and Okam are just fucking sitting there, being better than any of our position coaches, and I'd guess both would at least be interested. /rant
  3. Friendly reminder: people who have to constantly crow about how smart they are (or carry a card to that effect) are pretty much universally fucking morons.
  5. This team has 100% quit. I don't see them beating anyone right now.
  6. Mims has been getting away with fucking murder all goddamn game. Not that it matters because our whole coaching staff is bloody diarrhea in human form from top to bottom, but still.
  7. I admire your commitment to optimism, but... no.
  8. I genuinely hope that Herman feels really, really good about taking MILLIONS of dollars away from several of his seniors while he sits and collects the seventh highest salary in CFB.
  9. Wow. I feel so fucking bad for every senior who had the option to leave but came back. Herman should be Kiffened and left in fucking Waco for this shit show.
  10. Think about all of the solid seniors whose season Herman has absolutely fucking wasted - Duvernay, CJ, Braun, Roach, even Brandon Jones. This a goddamn disgrace. He's cost each of those guys MILLIONS with this cluster fuck of absolute shit coaching and refusal to adjust.
  11. Fuck it. If we're going to lose (and we are), I hope Baylor runs it the fuck up. Anything that gets us closer to getting rid of Mensa. I can't handle hearing "wElL tHe sUn CaMe uP tOdAy. wE pLaYeD a ReAlLy gOoD tEaM cLoSe" one more fucking time. Followed, of course, by Herman blaming the kids for not executing his shit-tacular game plan.
  12. Friendly reminder: CDC's email is ad@athletics.utexas.edu. The Athletics Department's phone number is 512-471-5757. Don't know if he'll listen, but it can't hurt if tons of people are emailing and calling regularly to call Herman out over this embarrassment.
  13. I feel like Keontay Ingram hurt himself because he was so massively surprised by the appearance of an actual opening to run through that he lost his balance for a moment and turned his ankle. Seriously - feel better kid. They need you in the second half.
  14. It would be interesting to see someone play a pure fullback role out of spread set instead of the whole "is Brewer/Leitao/whoever an H-back? Is he a tight end? LOL no - they don't really do anything except get ignored in coverage when we go empty set. 4D CHESS, BITCHES!" thing we always do. IIRC, Holgorsen used to that sometimes and it seemed like it worked reasonably well.
  15. Fuck you, Herman. Fuck you in the ear and then fuck you in the other ear. I rode the fucking pine for three years and didn't even play as a senior. Despite that total lack of real football experience, I have been able to accurate predict almost EVERY FUCKING OFFENSIVE CALL today. I wasn't even looking for it and it stood out that much. This shit is a complete embarrassment and you should be fired in the locker room at halftime.
  16. WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT - Ingram was lined up just a little in front of Sam and it was a pass play that Baylor read perfectly. Get ready for a LONG afternoon.
  17. This is 100% the case. It's all in how the running back lines up. It's been pointed out ALL FUCKING SEASON and they've done NOTHING to fix it.
  18. Great rush by Ossai there. Time to drop him back into coverage...
  19. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that the defense could tell what Texas is going to do offensively based on how the running back lines up. But our coach is a genius, so that couldn't possibly be true.
  20. Man, I can't wait to spend the whole afternoon watching Herman/Beck call slow developing run plays with Ingram. KEEP IT UP - THEY'RE WORKING GREAT, GUYS!!!1
  21. Much obliged. One thing I forgot to mention was that he definitely seemed kind of tired and frustrated, which I also think is telling. I'd imagine that very few of us are upset by the results as CDC. One thing that came across very clearly is that he's here to win - and not just print money like a certain other prior AD. Or maybe it was just because he made four or five dozen (or more) of these calls? I have no idea. But I'm very bullish on CDC as AD at the moment and his clear willingness to engage and listen to fans makes me think I'm very much right in feeling that way.
  22. What if the academic is a poultry scientist or a specialist in bovine husbandry? NVM. Even then - aggy is the wrong choice. aggy is always the wrong choice (unless you've been asked "what's the saddest, weirdest school in the world?)"
  23. And here I thought I was special. I sent the following to CDC on Saturday (edited for brevity - skip pas the italics if you don't care what my email said said) and accidentally picked up when he called me today because I thought it was my kids' school or something: I’m a member of the University of Texas’ Class of [a long time ago]. I emailed your predecessor, Mike Perrin, about the hiring of Casey Horny. I’ve been with our school’s team through great, good, bad, and miserable times. However, the hiring and retention of Casey Horny is more upsetting to me than any loss to Kansas (or Iowa State). I was also extremely upset when our current coach’s response to criticism on the issue was essentially “I just know more than everyone else.” That kind of arrogance (and standing behind a rape apologist) has no place at the University of Texas. Especially given the Longhorns’ special teams' abysmal play this season, since that is Mr. Horny’s unit. I’m very concerned about the current direction of the football program. I think we have now seen enough to know that Tom Herman is simply not the right person for the job. His insistence on the Horny hire told me a great deal about his moral makeup. I am also concerned that he is unwilling to make obviously necessary changes to the coaching staff, as the results over the past few weeks have been unacceptable - and not even necessarily because of the outcome. Instead, I am concerned with the obvious disadvantage the Longhorns seem to have in terms of coaching and adjustments every Saturday. The team just seems to regress with every game. I’m not a multi-million dollar donor, but I will tell you exactly what I told your predecessor, Mr. Perrin: the University of Texas will never receive another dime from me - whether it is for merchandise, tickets, or donations until - Casey Horny is no longer employed at the University of Texas in any capacity. Although I do feel that Tom Herman is not the right man to be our coach, the dismissal of Casey Horny would be an excellent starting point for a more moral University of Texas. In sum, I love the University of Texas. I would very much like the chance to donate some of my disposable income towards making it an even better, more exceptional place for our diverse student body. However, I simply cannot justify doing so until Mr. Horny is no longer an employee of the university. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Regards, [CampCrunk] [CampCrunk's phone #] And then CDC called me late this morning and I picked up by mistake. He talked about how they will sit down and evaluate every member of the staff at the end of the season. One thing he did say that I liked quite a bit was: "I was not athletics director when we hired that guy [Horny]." I hope I interpreted that (and his inflection when he said it) correctly and he's going to do something about the situation. He said that it's a tough situation because, although he understands the concerns, he's worried about "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." He mentioned that we've had three coaches in the past seven years and said that he doesn't think that just chasing a different new hot name every offseason is a recipe for success. He did not bring up Dabo Swinney, like he apparently did for some other folks. I'm sure I'm missing a few points, but I think that's the gist of it. Overall, he struck me a genuine, good, smart guy who is very concerned about the athletics department even though he (obviously) couldn't go into much detail with me. It's very clear that he wants to win and win big. I came away very impressed with him. Like my email said - I'm a nobody - and the fact that he took time out of a doubtlessly hectic schedule to call me up and discuss my concerns speaks volumes about how much he cares about the fans. Maybe I'm not a big Mensa supporter (and I'm certainly a Casey Horny hater), but I will definitely be pulling for CDC.
  24. "tHe SuN cAmE Up ToDaY!!1"
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