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Everything posted by J.R.

  1. J.R.

    Oklahoma @ UCLA

    That’s what I’m implying.
  2. J.R.

    Oklahoma @ UCLA

    T brown needs to find a seat on bench.
  3. J.R.

    Oklahoma @ UCLA

    Oh no doubt about that. But have gone from all 11 plus their backups sucking ass to only a few. I call that improvement
  4. J.R.

    Oklahoma @ UCLA

    Are you watching the game. Their defense is almost unrecognizably better
  5. Not being able to sleep was a significant contributing factor for me ending up way in the ditch. That and probably generations but for sure at least a generation on both sides.
  6. Godspeed bro. Been there. Luckily made it out, but not alone.
  7. Take a few days off, check yourself into a hospital, get dried out, move into sober living if you are living alone (can’t emphasize this enough), get in a program and get on with living. You are doing it the hard way and it just might kill you.
  8. “Not lose everything” In the immortal words of Mr Chow, “but did you die?” And I’m unfortunately not joking.
  9. “Stupid with regard” is understating his mental handicap significantly
  10. Because the money is still green and the 1099s are very rare.
  11. Ah yes. This thread. 190/110. Perfect.
  12. I must say this was a terrible waste of air superiority due to totally foreseeable weather conditions. Westeros needs a War College.
  13. Thread is awesome. Anytime I feel my BP getting a little low I just swing by and get it back up to 180/110 right where it needs to be.
  14. One take according to actor who played jimmy
  15. J.R.


    This show is exactly perfect for what it is and has even become somewhat more plausible this season. Would watch again.
  16. Gotdam here's another winner that is really pissing me off
  17. here is a man who understands the purpose of this thread
  18. Hey cuz...you dropped your hat bro
  19. Your “facts” and “logic” play no role is appealing to his base.
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