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Ted Lange

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Everything posted by Ted Lange

  1. He should've added... flies on private planes with them, like he did with Jeffery Epstein.
  2. Same, there is no winning a shouting contest vs the loudest of loud mouths.
  3. I don't believe in internal polls, I have never been called by an internal poller 😎
  4. Harris should not debate unless there are fact-checkers.
  5. Just flipped it on. This isnt good.
  6. Today is the first day that the betting odds have flipped to Harris https://www.realclearpolling.com/betting-odds/2024/president
  7. Would it really grow the user base? How many users of truth are there and of those what % aren’t simultaneously shitposting on twitter already?
  8. If I know Minnesota, and I do, they love the Badgers and that jump around thing.
  9. Nice start today, 2-0 the Arsenal over Leverkusen so far. Kai with 2 assists, and goals for Torssard and Z.
  10. Classic brain rot. Nigel Farge takes tweets from ANDREW TATE, amplifies it and we end up with riots in Stockport and . And he is BIG mad about getting called out on it.
  11. Tesla sales team after hearing the news of the Trump interview
  12. Timber didn’t suit up for the last friendly, wasn’t training this week and now is t suiting up today for the Leverkusen match. Fuuuuuck
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