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Ted Lange

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Everything posted by Ted Lange

  1. The Athletic on the recruitment and signing
  2. So what is the current dragon count? Seems like 6-2, but I've probably missed something. Black: Daemon, Rheanyra, Jacaerys, then the 3 new riders Green: Aemond and his sister.
  3. Considering the table, I’d think we’d see a decent amount of rotation for the next match vs Australia
  4. Whether Trump was grazed by a bullet or not shouldn't be some gotcha talking point. A deranged shooter got a gun and tried to kill a former president and likely a bunch of other people too. The talking points around this event should be 100% focused on stricter gun regulations, which the majority of citizens want.
  5. Had way more to do with it. Alex started every match and scored 0 goals. This guy had a big hand it as well
  6. Hmmm, so hiring a top-shelf coach has a beneficial effect.
  7. So Smith, have yourself a tournament
  8. HELL YEAH! This is fun That is a tougher finish than it looks
  9. Yeah, Naeher shouldve done much better. Very flat-footed. I wonder if she was expecting a whistle for the foul.
  10. Hell yeah! I will take credit for the reverse jinx.
  11. Germany look like the much better team early on.
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