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Ted Lange

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Everything posted by Ted Lange

  1. What a save from Raya. Wow
  2. Oh, City time wasting on a free kick. No yellow. Shocking
  3. Should’ve had a second but offside
  4. LFG! Disaster from City defending. We will take it.
  5. Sounds like JPM Econ’s should’ve paid attention to the election.
  6. so officially state media now. Cool cool.
  7. Truuuuue story…
  8. Well, looks like we’ve found what this will be blamed on…
  9. 3 miles from Four Seasons Total Landscaping. That’s not a coincidence
  10. Buffoon
  11. Canada should just say, "You win, we've decided to stop sending fentanyl and illegals across the border, well played Mr President." And then just move on. 100% that would work.
  12. Twitter is such a rousing success...
  13. A Brienne of Tarth sighting!
  14. Now is not the time for politics, we were told for an infinite time following tragic deaths it is thoughts and prayers time.
  15. New episode has dropped
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