I'm on this page. To my understanding, myocarditis or any cardiomyopathy risks from CV19 are easier to detect, more manageable and less likely to occur than any of the existing threats players encounter by the realistic nature of the sport (CTE, pain killers, steroids, opioids, heart disease etc.), I could care less if the season goes on or not compared to my concerns that decisions are being made based on politics, single minded analysis or path of least resistance. Economics & secondary health/life effects to be blunt are my long term concerns.
As it relates to the B1G, the primary economic impact from 5-7 home games ( businesses within the county alone) equates to a billion+ in revenue conference wide. The secondary losses would include state & local taxes, surrounding counties & the domino effect that trickles down from everyone associated AKA the entire community. Iowa City, State College, Ann Arbor, Champaign, Lafayette etc will be devastated and without consideration to the academic/regular student population which makes it even more concerning.
If it's a clear & present threat it needs the attention & decisions it deserves, I just haven't seen any empirical evidence to suggest it's the real issue or an outstanding threat. Otherwise if not equally, one must take into consideration the back end which is a definitive & certain issue. Open & willing to listen & learn, til then...