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Rockwell Torrey

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rockwell Torrey

  1. Zipper control? Liquor control?
  2. He is German RSM so more Dieter than Beta.
  3. Cass fresh from the OB!! 🍺
  4. Waiting to pass through the turnstile and get on the roller coaster. 🎢
  5. Trash?
  6. You sound smart. Why are you here?
  7. …and I wish Tom Herman had been shot into orbit on SpaceX
  8. Imagine having to spend that much time around Kurt Bowels and FCB. I would be pissed too.
  9. RIP Steve McNair
  10. I would love to have him back, but prefer he go off the next two games, help lead us to an NC, and get drafted.
  11. Reminds me of the first time I logged on to this website. Adapt or die.
  12. This post unpacks a lot of memories.
  13. He can never get his Flowbee through TSA
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