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Rockwell Torrey

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rockwell Torrey

  1. I really hope he goes to USNA. Unfortunately, his performance in the state title game probably brought him enough attention that he'll get better offers.
  2. It really depends on how badly you want a conference championship.
  3. Well, the guy just lived in Oklahoma for couple years. He has a pretty good pulse on shitholes.
  4. I love some of the stuff a RM Williams carries. I am on my second RMW wallet. https://www.rmwilliams.com.au/leather-goods/tri-fold-wallet/CG433.html?dwvar_size=ACS_00F&dwvar_color=BLACK&lang=en_AU#lang=en_AU&start=1
  5. FIFY. Read in Jackie Gleason's "Smoky and the Bandit" voice.
  6. Are you suggesting Urbs still has influence over the program?
  7. Thanks, Brenda. Helpful. We’ll look into that. - Arkansas Athletics
  8. I admire your standards. I’ll take that one for the team.
  9. As an alum, how do I get that shirt Sam is wearing?
  10. He might know. Some believe Herman was the source for McMurphy’s “jihad” against tOSU last year.
  11. We need to have the Westlake DB coaches come in and teach our team how to tackle.
  12. Love me some Poona. What a great rep for the university and our program.
  13. Technically the proper term is “screwed”
  14. Pos rep for reference to the Thach Weave
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