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Rockwell Torrey

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rockwell Torrey

  1. So he dropped all the Texas content from his social media?
  2. Probably sums up why Kelly went to LSU. ND would never have touched Harris. Now he can take flyers on talented athletes with red flags everywhere.
  3. Most on this board think that would be better than an interception.
  4. Sounds like me trying to get the family out of the house for a weekend event.
  5. …and that is why you will never teach again you deviant.
  6. I don’t think they could ever find enough Uber Driver’s to get them out of there.
  7. I came back from the bars last night and watched from my place in Tokyo…so fuck yeah a lot of people watched this!!
  8. Are you telling me a former Charlie Strong assistant coach does not have a well disciplined team?
  9. Come on FSU. Fuck Kelly and his band of feaux country accent mother fuckers.
  10. This was amazing. I can’t believe I had never heard this. Thanks for sharing.
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