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Woodrow Call

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Everything posted by Woodrow Call

  1. Zero chance of this happening, but kudos to her for promoting a good idea. "Elizabeth Warren has just introduced a modest bill that would require corporations to provide their employees with a minority of seats on their board of directors and consider the welfare of all those affected by corporate decisions, rather than shareholders alone. Warren’s plan is similar, though less radical, than the employee co-determination scheme that operates in Germany. "
  2. Yeah, the Dems have become feckless cowards. I'll never forget watching Schumer snuggle up to Trump during the first months of his so-called Presidency. It was disgusting.
  3. She's perfect. The face of the administration twisted, lopsided, hideous, scowling, fat fiend. The ugliest administration in history rightly selected the ugliest woman in the country to represent it to the public.
  4. These people need to be stood up against a wall. They're disgusting.
  5. Trump says Montenegro’s ‘Aggressive People’ Could Start World War III. Yes, I lie awake at night worrying about Montenegro. I realize 99% of Americans can't pinpoint Montenegro on a map (including Trump), but we shouldn't underestimate a nation that's roughly the size of Minnesota and that has a total GDP that ranks 78th in the world.
  6. The prescience of Homeland.
  7. I wonder how many government officials she's fucked.
  8. Trump is a traitor. Can we just get on with the trial, sentencing and final denouement?
  9. way too much space....c'est fini
  10. Look at where the ball was in relation to the goal and other French players that could get to the ball. And I don't think it was intentional.
  11. Even so, it didn't alter the outcome of the play. I've always thought it was a shit way to award a pen.
  12. It would suck for France to win because of an own goal and a somewhat questionable penalty.
  13. Agree. They'll keep the foot on the gas. This is a final.
  14. Vida looks like Tonya Harding.
  15. Modric with a modified Cruyff turn.
  16. I'm not sure Croatia has enough speed to run the lines with France. I think their best attacks will need to come from the inner part of the pitch.
  17. Why doesn't France's manager have lips?
  18. whats up with the cosmonauts holding the flags
  19. Croatia is bringing grown men to the fight. France looks young and boyish.
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