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Woodrow Call

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Everything posted by Woodrow Call

  1. OU is gonna hang half 'a hundred on 'em.
  2. Bryce Young, Nick Saban, Will Anderson and probably 20 other 5 star players and who knows how many 4 star players. Bonne chance.
  3. None of Nebraska's DL can get off a block. They're terrible.
  4. Scott Frost won't survive the whole season.
  5. "Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it."-Edward Abbey
  6. Agreed. Would be nice to have a couple of candidates that weren't born during the WW2 era.
  7. Pretty much sold on going to Finland. I like their Prime Minister.
  8. Joe is one of the most dangerous men in the world.
  9. I can hardly watch one without the other, but I can't even get through III.
  10. Ecosystems have carrying capacities, and more humans create increased burdens on that capacity. And as the population grows we do stupid things like building subdivisions in the desert, and that requires pulling water out of other ecosystems, which destabilizes watersheds. The United States is irrationally obsessed with growth, and it's growth capitalism that's destroying the planet. Human population growth is just another facet of this deeply flawed, and potentially fatal, philosophy. As Edward Abbey said, it's the ideology of the cancer cell. Grow, grow, grow until you destroy the host.
  11. And in some areas, you go through inspection.
  12. I'm sorry you lost your grandmother to such irresponsible behavior, but this is a false equivalency.
  13. I think about this a lot. If they would change their minds if the violence hit too close to home. I honestly don't believe they would. They're that deranged.
  14. There's an essay in this book about that very subject titled, "The Cattle Towns Adjust to Violence." Clearly indicates gun control works.
  15. Not really a 4th movie, but it seems like a good day to watch Easy Rider. Maybe it's the bike....
  16. I was at a road race yesterday watching my daughter run. Hanging with the grandkids. I've been going to her races for years, but yesterday, for the first time ever, I thought about how to protect the kids in the event some shooter showed up. What a fucked up country.
  17. Yeah, but if we're 3-0 going into the Washington and Utah games, we might draw well.
  18. I really don't see Stanford playing this game. It seems contrary to their culture and approach to things. But I never saw UCLA and USC going to the Big Ten, either.
  19. So they say. I look forward to our beach volleyball team playing Northwestern along the shores of Lake Michigan. Traveling to games in Illinois. And then there's the whole issue of climate. No one ever thinks about that. We just get on our planes and fly around as if there's no tomorrow. We have people like Terence Tao at UCLA. Really smart people that see the bigger picture and can see beyond the money soaked myopia that college football has become. I'm sure they weren't consulted.
  20. I went to UCLA, and I'm disgusted.
  21. The country is completely in the shitter. No fixing it. I wonder if the people of the late Roman Empire realized they were witnessing the collapse.
  22. In a related story, the Trump Presidential Library will be open soon!
  23. I lived in Knoxville when his uncle signed with the Vols. Changed everything. Will likely be the same way in Austin.
  24. I fucking hate that man. I hope he dies of a metastatic cancer that starts in his asshole and eats its way all the way to his pea sized brain.
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