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  1. Doubt any emergency was called in. ATC audio seems pretty normal up until the crash.
  2. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. He's a narcissist who feeds off the adulation of his cult and vitriol against everyone else. Hell, I don't think he even thinks of himself as a president. He sees himself as the first king of the US, and as someone who is going to transform the country in his image.
  3. Cruelty. It's always the answer. Also, they want to destroy US society, so they can take more control over it. They want to funnel all the money from the Treasury and bribes and however else into their pockets while the country burns and they declare martial law.
  4. The oxygen tank could have accelerated the fire after the crash. But a fire wouldn't have brought down a plane with that amount of vertical speed 30 seconds after takeoff.
  5. Cruelty. The answer is always cruelty,
  6. Welp. This happened sooner than I expected
  7. Or maybe the derailing is due to the fact that US government officials are turning what should be factual briefings into partisan affairs.
  8. Federal government officials making official statements on the cause of plane crash involving a military aircraft is now apparently "political." We are so fucked as a country.
  9. Um, the totally qualified Secretary of Transportation.
  10. There's also been a year's worth of news in the past week. Edit to add: And those of us who have jobs, or want to keep some remnants of sanity, are trying not to stare at this crap all day. Despite way too much time today online.
  11. Stealing money from the taxpayers and installing himself as king. Also create unrest and declare martial law, and install himself as king. He said he was going to do this.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss, Brisket.
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