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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. Cool that we're operating concentration camps now.
  2. Fuck that. So my tax dollars will be going to Oligarchs, tariffs, AND to help turnip supporters hurt by the fucking tariffs I'm already paying? Farmers in this country voted for those tariffs. The leopards need to eat their fucking faces.
  3. DEI. Or Biden. Or both.
  4. DOGE is unaffected by any of this. Dotard and Elmo and the entire GQP are going to keep going regardless of the courts or the legislature. But the Dems should make this as hard as possible for them to do this. You don't negotiate with terrorists. And fuck Schumer for doing so.
  5. Not sure where you're coming from, and which is easier, but there's also a fast ferry out of New Bedford, MA. At least from the NYC area, I think it's easier. It's a shorter drive and you don't have to deal with the traffic into Cape Cod.
  6. This. They probably voted for trump too. I have no problem if they lose their businesses and their jobs. There's plenty of other liquor I can buy from people who aren't bootlickers.
  7. Not watching. But how long is this fucking speech?
  8. If you look at this through the lens of the goal being to destabilize the US, this all makes sense. Trump is a stooge for the oligarchs, some combination of Putin, Thiel, Musk, and I'm sure others. All of this is to get ego stroking from them.
  9. Well fuck. Not that this wasn't obviously coming. Just got an NYT news alert that we're stopping aid to Ukraine.
  10. Oh, we're going to have midterms. And they'll be similar to how Russia and North Korea run their "elections."
  11. I'm not so sure about that. It's not trump I'm worried about. It's his sycophants. He's got an army of brain washed morons who are parroting the line that Zelenskyy was disrespectful and Ukraine is responsible for the invasion. The past few years have given me a new appreciation for zombie films. It's just a mass of people without brains parroting vile crap while attempting to kill the rest of us.
  12. Like we're actually going to have a free and fair election any time in the foreseeable future. When we stop holding elections, fall into a great depression, and go to war with what was NATO, I want these fucksticks to know that we blame them for this crap. And they are going to be marginalized in the reconstruction if and when we can ever rebuild many years from now.
  13. GOP voters won't admit they were wrong until after the country is completely decimated, and maybe even not then. Many of them know deep down they were duped. Hardest thing in the world is to get someone to admit they were gullible and were had. They will justify their vote, and keep supporting turnip, finding new and disturbing ways to justify everything.
  14. Doubt any emergency was called in. ATC audio seems pretty normal up until the crash.
  15. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. He's a narcissist who feeds off the adulation of his cult and vitriol against everyone else. Hell, I don't think he even thinks of himself as a president. He sees himself as the first king of the US, and as someone who is going to transform the country in his image.
  16. Cruelty. It's always the answer. Also, they want to destroy US society, so they can take more control over it. They want to funnel all the money from the Treasury and bribes and however else into their pockets while the country burns and they declare martial law.
  17. The oxygen tank could have accelerated the fire after the crash. But a fire wouldn't have brought down a plane with that amount of vertical speed 30 seconds after takeoff.
  18. Cruelty. The answer is always cruelty,
  19. Welp. This happened sooner than I expected
  20. Or maybe the derailing is due to the fact that US government officials are turning what should be factual briefings into partisan affairs.
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