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Posts posted by lemonlime

  1. 57 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Do you activate your security when you are at home? Or just before going to bed? Do you arm it, or does your spouse? People get complacent, and also make mistakes.

    Any of these possibilities is more likely than a false flag deal, with brain surgery consequences.

    Given how in the bag for the right wing law enforcement is, and that private security is likely consisted of law enforcement or people who couldn't hack it in law enforcement, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a slow response to anything that came in.  But it's far more likely to be Hanlon's Razor combined with a large segment of the population, probably including the first responders here, who have become inured to political violence than any deep conspiracy.  

  2. 5 hours ago, Fastbreak said:

    “We can’t take these guys seriously. Most people are not stupid enough to believe their rhetoric. Besides we have good jobs and are a big part of the economy and culture. This violence will go away and sanity will return soon.”

    German Jews -1932

    WTF with blaming Jews for the Holocaust.  How about this, "“We can’t take these guys seriously. Most people are not stupid enough to believe their rhetoric. Besides we need more money and a scapegoat.  So I'll ignore the violence and don't really give a fuck if sanity if ever returns because the violence isn't directed at me."  German so called Christians-1932.

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  3. 8 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    he still won’t get it.

    he wouldn’t have done shit for israel if he saw it playing out this way. 

    also 27% seems high. 

    And the fact that TFG doesn't recognize that American Jews for the most part care far more about issues that actually affect their day to day lives and their children's futures than whether the U.S. embassy to Israel is located in Tel Aviv or 30 miles away in Jerusalem says everything about his complete lack of understanding of anyone apart from himself.  Aside from also being antisemitic itself, assuming that everyone who's Jewish only cares about Israel to the exclusion of everything else.

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  4. 1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    The far right orthodox Jews supported him in a very big way.  And they are still right by his side.  The hard liners aren't leaving him - and he gets some of these talking points from them.  The orthodox/conservative Jews share very little in common with far left Jews.  He had several dinners with Lou Shiner and that crew that raised millions of dollars for his campaign last couple elections.  

    Religious extremists tend to support him, be they ultra Orthodox Jews or Evangelical Christians. 

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  5. Yeah it would make the stay, or "unstay" of no effect, but the stay and the appeal are pretty independent of one another other than that.
    I would fully expect the SCt to decide the stay in the next week, long before an 11th Circuit decision.

    I’m not sure what you’re saying. Trump went to scotus to get the classified docs before the special master. If there’s no special master there’s nothing to bring before him.
  6. 46 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Oh, Asha.  A brimful of disappointment here.

    Trump is not appealing, per se, he's challenging the 11th Circuit's stay of the district court's order.  It looks an awful lot like an appeal, but it isn't.  The 11th Circuit's merits decision (the actual appeal) will have little or no effect on the stay or the "appeal" thereof.

    The stay is on the Supreme's shadow docket, where they avoid making precedential decisions on the merits.

    What would be stayed, though?  If Cannon's order is vacated, there's no special master, and there's nothing to stay from the special master's review.  

  7. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, of course it is.  He demanded of his lawyers that they take it to the Supreme Court where he believes he will receive favorable treatment.

    The only "relief" he could receive is that the 11th Circuit could be found to be in error regarding the Special Master sorting the classified documents, so DOJ could still use them in investigation, but they would also still be subject to a ruling by the Master and then Cannon.  That's what Vladeck means when he says this is a very limited question on appeal to the Supremes.

    As with all court proceedings, we've only seen "one side" of it so far.  The government may raise the mootness issue in its response.

    It's not some "automatic" self-executing thing where everyone says "Oh, the trial court changed it's order, it's moot, nevermind."  The key word in DDDDads' post is "arguably."

    Wouldn't this also give trump access to the classified documents, assuming he's successful?  Which to be clear, while I have pretty much lost faith in the justice system, think is unlikely, if for no other reason than Thomas gave the DOJ a briefing schedule that didn't suggest any urgency, and if he's lost Thomas . . .

  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/05/when-rally-goer-suggested-shooting-immigrants-may-trump-made-joke/


    Three months before one of the deadliest public mass shootings in U.S. history, allegedly driven in part by white nationalism, President Trump asked a Florida audience how to stop migrants from crossing into the United States.

    “How do you stop these people? You can’t, there’s —” Trump said, cutting himself off as a rally attendee yelled back, “Shoot them.”

    Trump paused and smirked, before responding, “That’s only in the Panhandle can you get away with that statement.” The crowd cheered for nearly 10 seconds before Trump continued.


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    During the summer of 2017, when temperatures reached triple digits in Arizona, four women drove to a vast desert wilderness along the southwestern border with Mexico. They brought water jugs and canned food — items they later said they were leaving for dehydrated migrants crossing the unfriendly terrain to get to the United States.

    The women were later charged with misdemeanor crimes. Prosecutors said they violated federal law by entering Cabeza Prieta, a protected 860,000-acre refuge, without a permit and leaving water and food there. A judge convicted them on Friday in the latest example of growing tension between aid workers and the U.S. Border Patrol.

    Aid workers say their humanitarian efforts, motivated by a deep sense of right and wrong, have been criminalized during the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal border crossings. Federal officials say they were simply enforcing the law.



  10. Yeah, I mean, shooting up an elementary school, church, Walmart? Totally normal behavior. But those hospital shootings are just strange.

    Yeah. Nobody’s angry at health care providers right now.

    The US healthcare system is understaffed and filled with patients who can’t pay for basic care and also can’t get answers about the care itself due to the understaffing. It’s a toxic stew. And that was before covid and right wing talking points about lies about covid treatment/vaccination etc and fake outrage over gender affirmation surgery.
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  11. Yeah, I see a couple of things "sealed."  But usually when someone files under seal, theres a motion for permission to do so and, in any event, it still says what it is, as in
    "Plaintiff's Objections [sEALED] To Amended Case Management Plan"

    There are multiple reports on the twitters that trump filed his objections under seal. Not sure why it’s not showing pacer.

    Also Teri Kanefield is a really good twitter follow for information on the legal proceedings.
  12. Trump has a problem with that whole evidence thing, as a general proposition.  I guess it goes hand-in-hand with the constant lying.
    What raised the issue for me is that it was reported that Dearie said the government had made a prima facie case that the documents were classified, and Trump needed to rebut it.  Fine, makes perfect sense.  But how do you make that prima facie case without presenting the documents, presumably redacted?  Would an affidavit suffice?  Did the government present such an affidavit?  If so it was probably under seal, which is why I don't recall seeing it.
    Otherwise, you're left with attorney argument on both sides of the issue.

    Also, as I think on it more, I doubt the DOJ attorneys could certify to this. They didn’t have the need to look at the classified and top secret documents. This would have been in the fbi inventory, which if there was something more specific than what was submitted on pacer would have had to have been submitted under seal
  13. Trump has a problem with that whole evidence thing, as a general proposition.  I guess it goes hand-in-hand with the constant lying.
    What raised the issue for me is that it was reported that Dearie said the government had made a prima facie case that the documents were classified, and Trump needed to rebut it.  Fine, makes perfect sense.  But how do you make that prima facie case without presenting the documents, presumably redacted?  Would an affidavit suffice?  Did the government present such an affidavit?  If so it was probably under seal, which is why I don't recall seeing it.
    Otherwise, you're left with attorney argument on both sides of the issue.

    I’m going off memory and certainly can’t remember every document in this case. But didn’t the fbi have a certified inventory of what they took from maralago including boxes containing documents stamped certified. Also, trump never argued in court that the documents the government stamped certified didn’t contain the stamp.
  14. Trump has a problem with that whole evidence thing, as a general proposition.  I guess it goes hand-in-hand with the constant lying.
    What raised the issue for me is that it was reported that Dearie said the government had made a prima facie case that the documents were classified, and Trump needed to rebut it.  Fine, makes perfect sense.  But how do you make that prima facie case without presenting the documents, presumably redacted?  Would an affidavit suffice?  Did the government present such an affidavit?  If so it was probably under seal, which is why I don't recall seeing it.
    Otherwise, you're left with attorney argument on both sides of the issue.

    I’m going off memory and certainly can’t remember every document in this case. But didn’t the fbi have a certified inventory of what they took from maralago including boxes containing documents stamped certified. Also, trump never argued in court that the documents the government stamped certified didn’t contain the stamp.
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