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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. Every accusation is a confession.
  2. I just found it creepy.
  3. What in the actual fuck. I can't even accept a free drink from an old coworker/friend who happens to be a vendor because of ethics rules. But fake millionaires at the highest levels of government can take million dollar bribes.
  4. Which is the point. The cruelty is the point. As is wrecking government institutions. What better way than to make contracts with the government completely unreliable.
  5. Meanwhile, on the GQP side in PA, And this won't move the needle at all.
  6. The weekend's not over yet.
  7. This is the NY statute on making a terroristic threat. It has to be a specified offense with reasonable expectation of imminent commission of the offense. None of the reporting so far suggests that 11 months ago, he was guilty of making a terroristic threat such that he should have been arrested at that time, and would have been convicted and sitting in prison 11 months later. S 490.20 Making a terroristic threat. 1. A person is guilty of making a terroristic threat when with intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination or kidnapping, he or she threatens to commit or cause to be committed a specified offense and thereby causes a reasonable expectation or fear of the imminent commission of such offense. 2. It shall be no defense to a prosecution pursuant to this section that the defendant did not have the intent or capability of committing the specified offense or that the threat was not made to a person who was a subject thereof. Making a terroristic threat is a class D felony. I hope he rots in prison. But the solution to gun violence and hate crimes isn't more mass incarceration. And there's nothing to suggest that even had he been arrested 11 months earlier, anything would have been different yesterday. This is a sideshow from the utter lack of reasonable gun control measures and the huge rise in hate crimes in this country, which have been spurred on by the GQP and Fox News, among others. Edit to add: There's also no reason to believe that the Buffalo PD, which threw an elderly man down during a Black Lives Matter protest, would have had any interest in actually trying to prevent white nationalist terrorism anyway.
  8. Vague threats are not a crime. To be convicted of threatening a crime, the threat has to be specific. It's rich that your answer on how to prevent this is that a 17 year old should have been locked up for at least 11 months on a thought crime. But you haven't said anything about him being amped up to commit this crime by white wing media So throwing a 17 year old in prison for years over nonspecific threats is Constitutional, but doing a background check to stop the kid when he turns 18 from possessing weapons is a Second Amendment violation. This country has lost its goddamn mind.
  9. Arrested on what charges? We aren't in Minority Report yet.
  10. From a neighboring district:
  11. A million times this. I think my ignore list consists of Ana and Sack. Ana adds nothing to the conversation and feels the need to spam the board with pointless responses to every single post.
  12. Maybe you could explain what was humorous about your post.
  13. I got my first dishwasher when I bought my current house. As a kid I had to was dishes got my family, including my 6 siblings. And shockingly, I never blamed Ronald Reagan for that.
  14. The point of these laws aren’t to imprison women who miscarried. It’s to punish women and fuck with access to healthcare. It’s to discourage doctors from specializing in obstetrics. Or hospitals from credentialing doctors to perform d & c. And harass women without the means to travel to other states for basic healthcare. That’s all going to happen, and probably is already happening, regardless of what scotus may decide in a few years.
  15. Nope. That only applies to white Christians. Conservative America has made it exceedingly clear that it will shit on people with other religious beliefs. For that natter, the right to choose is a tenet of Judaism. Something the so called religious right has completely ignored for decades.
  16. Oh, it's a given he's a liar. I'm just still gobsmacked at what whiny babies the GOP are. GQP: Forced pregnancies. Coat hanger abortions. Separating babies from their mothers at the border. Destruction from Hurricane Maria. Suck it up, buttercup. But, a white man having to use a sponge for a few days to wash dishes, or in Matt Schlapp's case for his maid who he surely underpays and harasses to do dishes, is a horror never to be recovered from.
  17. The horror of not having a dishwasher. Just imagine his hysterics if he had to endure a pregnancy for nine months.
  18. Thanks for posting this. I may go to the NYC one.
  19. Castrate them. If sex is only for procreation. I mean, if we're invading people's bodies let's fucking do it.
  20. It's their disingenuous go to. Women who oppose their attempts at control are emotional, panicked, or hysterical. Meanwhile, they totally find these guys to be manly, intelligent, calm people who have rational ideas:
  21. Bingo. They also just reinforce the idea that a woman can only have control of her own body after someone has violated her.
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