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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. You're missing that the opinion will be out before the midterms, leak or not. People will be outraged by the opinion. Leaking it cements the opinion--Kav or whoever doesn't want to be seen as caving to public pressure. Also, they aren't concerned about the midterms. That's why they had to gut the Voting Rights Act before Roe.
  2. NSIAP
  3. Yup. I thought this was because of the interview Cawthorn gave about cocaine orgies with other GQP, and now they're going after him a few weeks before his primary, and the NC GQP is backing his primary challenger.
  4. It's only said that this is what will get him in trouble with voters. As opposed to, say, idolizing Hitler.
  5. Personally, I'd go to the TWA hotel with that long of a layover.
  6. Bullshit. The right to abortion goes back to (at least) the Talmud. But the right only likes to refer to "Judeo Christian" values when they want Jews to co-opt their "values."
  7. Healthcare. Romneycare was enacted in 2006.
  8. Fwiw when I went through customs at jfk in December they didn’t even look at my passport. Photo was in there from the app and I got through customs in 2 minutes max. Probably just lucked out though.
  9. The amount of men on this board blaming RBG, Susan Sarandon, Susan Collins, and suburban moms for this is telling. Maybe you could redirect your ire to Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Trump, Bush, McConnell, and the majority of men who vote GQP.
  10. Lucky for them they gutted the Voting Rights Act first.
  11. I don't really give a fuck who leaked it. But a clerk, likely in their 20s, would be torpedoing their career. A justice would face no consequences. Hell, a justice can vote to hide documents implicating his insurrectionist wife and there are no consequences. There is nothing anyone could do to a justice who leaked this.
  12. That's cute. They've convinced their base that the dems are pedophile lovers who kill babies and want to teach kindergartners about sex in school. Their cult isn't switching over. And I'm not sure when we last had a free and fair election, but the next one won't be.
  13. Keep poor women in their place. Stop them from getting educated, because they're home taking care of their babies, with little to no help for education, health care, day care, food. And if a few of these women die, their fault because they're evil sinner welfare queens.
  14. And it should.
  15. Eh, I would put it more on extremism is a hinderance to rationality, with many prominent white churches promoting white, Christian extremism. Which isn't all that different from Muslim extremism other than being coopted by one of the major political parties. But there are plenty of religious folks who can be rational, but they aren't cult members.
  16. Prominent Republicans were all vaxxed and boosted. They just don't talk about it, because they have to death cult.
  17. Going to?
  18. Or shoot up a pizza parlor. Or send pipe bombs to politicians. Or shoot up a synagogue. Or shoot up brown people at a Walmart. Or shoot up journalists.
  19. Made this for Easter brunch. https://www.pardonyourfrench.com/sweet-pea-ham-quiche/
  20. Some combo of I'm exhausted and I give up, TFG broke us we're done, and I'm mad as hell. Really just depressed, because it's become obvious we're done regardless of what anyone does, and we're just a nation of zombies who only give a fuck about me me me, guns, monster trucks, and destroying the planet.
  21. Zinal
  22. Quintuple post. Only one that's still editable.
  23. How would that even work though. Would bags not go through it? I would think it would be set off by everyone just by keys and phones.
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