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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. I’m so sorry, Bolverk.
  2. Because it's not about abortion. It's about controlling and punishing women without economic means.
  3. My understanding, and I'm hardly a scientist, is that the vaccine doesn't actually prevent the recipient from contracting Covid. Rather it prevents their body from reacting to the Covid infection. And also, therefore, it's very possible that the vaccine recipient could still spread Covid to others.
  4. Elk tartare and elk au poivre at Laanilan Keavari in Finnish Lapland. And I know you said without the atmosphere, but having dinner interrupted to see the northern lights was pretty amazing.
  5. This isn't true. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2020/11/09/no-trump-didnt-win-the-largest-share-of-non-white-voters-of-any-republican-in-60-years/?sh=37a97d5b4a09
  6. I'm not a front line worker. And that's terrifying if true. But this is the same doc who claimed to work 268 days straight. I'm not sure how credible a source he is. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/12/12/joseph-varon-covid/
  7. He wasn't a political appointee. He is Director of WH security. I feel terribly for the WH staff, security, cleaning staff, etc., who were exposed by these fucksticks. Although reading the article, this particular official is a big trump supporter....
  8. The GOP isn't a political party. It's a criminal enterprise. There may be a few people acting like it's still a political party, such as Romney, but the party leadership is running a criminal enterprise engaged in sedition at this point. There's no coming back from this. They'll either succeed in destroying democracy, maybe not in 2020, but in 2022 or 2024. Or they'll be relegated to the trash heap, and maybe the few seemingly reasonable Republicans, who have all essentially retired from public office can join forces with the Lincoln Project types and the more conservative Dems like Joe Manchin, and form a new conservative party.
  9. I'm not sure what combination this is of stupidity or that Republicans are now perpetual whiny victims, and they just don't give a fuck whether their grievances are based in fact and they know their base will never appreciate that they're lying and stupid.
  10. Yeah, it's not just the mask wearing. I live in the Northeast, in an area that was hit hard during the first wave. And the vast majority of people wear masks. But cases are still skyrocketing again. And based on my friends' timelines, they're just fine with Christmas parties.
  11. I'm looking forward to the suit against Florida for disenfranchising people convicted of a felony.
  12. #50. You'd think they would get tired of all the winning by now.
  13. So PA would have until after the inauguration to respond? Or is there some mechanism by which Texas could request an expedited schedule?
  14. Another loss. (note---it was actually 1-47 until this one a few minutes ago. Marc Elias had counted incorrectly in a previous tweet. Now it's 1-48 for real)
  15. Who was appointed by that RINO Bush.
  16. And yet another suit. They really need to start doling out Rule 11 sanctions.
  17. FWIW, Seth Rich's parents did sue Fox, and the case just settled--not sure of the amount Fox paid out.
  18. This. Also, even if it's unlikely that any individual website will be sued for any individual post, this would have a huge chilling effect. It's not even necessarily controversial stuff that would be at issue. For instance, any bad restaurant review in Food & Travel could open up Surly to liability. So why would a website allow criticisms of any business at all if 230 is repealed, and any one review could lead to to huge legal fees?
  19. It was actually this one, tossing a small number of ballots of voters in PA who had not verified their identity before a deadline. https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2020/11/12/trump-campaign-election-2020-presidential-pennsylvania-lawsuit-ballots-late-identification/stories/202011120132
  20. This. I went on a ski vacation with a few friends last NYE in the Northeast. One of my friends got really sick, with a fever, and horrible cough. To the point she had multiple doctor visits, antibiotics, steroids, etc. Nothing worked and it lasted for months. Convinced it was covid. But antibody tests were negative.
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