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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. There were only losers tonight, American democracy most of all. But,
  2. 9 hour lines. Closed polling places. Purged voter rolls. Surprise fines.
  3. Putin. Putin is the only winner of this "debate."
  4. I don't know any teenager this immature. Fuck, my 6 year old niece is more mature.
  5. No idea where this goes, but
  6. Yes. I never heard of anything like this.
  7. NY has a state equivalent to RICO.
  8. Any idea what this is about? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nkhxCZkJb7_9wgJuYXBn3acxcC7tOebx/view Grand juror asking for grand jury evidence to be made public. I didn't even know you could ask for that. My best guess is the juror realized after serving on the jury that the prosecutors misled them/held back evidence.
  9. The police reports: https://beta.documentcloud.org/documents/20392540-brad-parscale-incident-reports Which do not seem to coincide with the video footage. And of course the trumpkins will be outraged by this because he's a white guy. Which is also probably why he's still alive.
  10. Their voters will buy any nonsense. The cult is insane. If this is true, and it probably is, we should be burning down the country. If a rich person typically pays less income taxes (and not even by percentage of income, but by actual final dollar amount) by many orders of magnitude than a typical middle class person than we need guillotines. How the fuck does anyone see this and think this is a valid defense?
  11. Also not a CPA or a tax lawyer. But if you write off business expenses, it has to be the reasonable value of the expenses. And they have to be genuine. You can’t just pay your family members for “consulting” when they provided five minutes of shitty advice one. Or write off consulting expenses in the high six figures for a job that in the open market would cost you $5,000.
  12. Sure. But elections don't matter now. We have a so-called president who lost the popular vote. A Senate controlled by the party who had less votes. And a SCOTUS is which four (soon to be five) of the justices were appointed by a president who lost the popular vote. Right now the party with less votes controls two, arguably all three, branches of government. We need to make elections actually matter again before worrying decorum.
  13. They also all took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We can see how seriously GOP Senators take their promises.
  14. It's also a complete lie. That her base eats up. Schumer is a practicing Jew leading a memorial service for a Supreme Court justice who was also a practicing Jew.
  15. 1000x this. I think his opposition to vote by mail is not only that more people vote. It's that there will be a paper trail.
  16. Yup. This twitter thread provides a good explanation for what appears to have happened. TLDR--the recent PA Supreme Court ruling that ballots not placed in the privacy envelope be invalidated led to confusion when some military ballots were received not in the privacy envelope. Edit to add a good one tweet summary of what happened and the bullshit being instigated by the GOP.
  17. That's not what happened. The driver of the truck rammed a protestor and then drove off. Although people in the crowd did try to get the hit and run driver to stop. There's plenty of video out there of it.
  18. It's bullshit. Have ballots even been mailed out yet in PA?
  19. Meanwhile, And what's with the passive reporting on this. They weren't magically "struck by a car." Someone chose to drive into them, and leave the scene.
  20. Still whining. Looks like he's about to cry in this clip.
  21. Even if they “knocked and announced” someone knocks on my door in the middle of the night when I’m sleeping, says “police” a second later which I may or may not have heard, and another second later knocks down my front door with a battering ram, and you expect me to act rationally and also not think it’s a criminal breaking in 2 seconds after being woken up in the middle of the night. Fuck anyone trying to defend this or that the cops only got charged for the bullets that missed.
  22. This belongs in the circumstantial evidence is inadmissible understanding of the legal system.
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