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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. Womp womp. Fucking snowflake. You know who actually has a right to take this shit personally? Blacks, women, Muslims, Jews, Hispanics. All the people who trump has threatened and shat upon.
  2. Yup. Just did the same. Ana sometimes posts interesting stuff. But he makes this board unreadable sometimes responding to ever. Single. Thing. In a separate post. And tit for tat arguing over nonsense.
  3. You’re showing your real motives here trying to say a direct from someone’s mouth is liberal editorializing. Be better. My god. He just described trump perfectly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Yeah. I'm not sure now. I don't think there's verification elsewhere of the term. That said, the line seemed prepared, and Miller has sadly introduced me to a slew of terms used by white supremacists.
  5. Every accusation is a confession. Trump campaign diverted donation funds to the trump org.
  6. Steven Miller, the white supremacist savant
  7. Yeah, the only good thing I can say about yesterday is that I voted yesterday afternoon before watching the shitshow.
  8. Uncle Tom Scott
  9. Yes. This. I had an uncle with a stutter, who died last year. He would be about the same age as Biden, and throughout childhood was mocked and thought to be stupid because of his stutter, something people had far less understanding of in the 50s. Watching the GOP mock Biden for this is enraging. And watching trump not let him get a sentence out, well, I’m out of synonyms for enraging.
  10. This. I know rationally the worst thing trump did tonight was encourage white supremacists aka his supporters to interfere in the election. But the moment I was angriest was when Biden mentioned his dead son, and trump said he didn't know Beau and then mocked Biden's surviving son for struggling with drug addiction. Only a monstrous person does that. Although I'm more disgusted by the people I know who still support that monster devoid of even the slightest bit of decency.
  11. There were only losers tonight, American democracy most of all. But,
  12. 9 hour lines. Closed polling places. Purged voter rolls. Surprise fines.
  13. Putin. Putin is the only winner of this "debate."
  14. I don't know any teenager this immature. Fuck, my 6 year old niece is more mature.
  15. No idea where this goes, but
  16. Yes. I never heard of anything like this.
  17. NY has a state equivalent to RICO.
  18. Any idea what this is about? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nkhxCZkJb7_9wgJuYXBn3acxcC7tOebx/view Grand juror asking for grand jury evidence to be made public. I didn't even know you could ask for that. My best guess is the juror realized after serving on the jury that the prosecutors misled them/held back evidence.
  19. The police reports: https://beta.documentcloud.org/documents/20392540-brad-parscale-incident-reports Which do not seem to coincide with the video footage. And of course the trumpkins will be outraged by this because he's a white guy. Which is also probably why he's still alive.
  20. Their voters will buy any nonsense. The cult is insane. If this is true, and it probably is, we should be burning down the country. If a rich person typically pays less income taxes (and not even by percentage of income, but by actual final dollar amount) by many orders of magnitude than a typical middle class person than we need guillotines. How the fuck does anyone see this and think this is a valid defense?
  21. Also not a CPA or a tax lawyer. But if you write off business expenses, it has to be the reasonable value of the expenses. And they have to be genuine. You can’t just pay your family members for “consulting” when they provided five minutes of shitty advice one. Or write off consulting expenses in the high six figures for a job that in the open market would cost you $5,000.
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