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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Was Levon just the emergency drummer?
  2. IMO, a goal of reparations would be to help right a wrong, so that all parties could move on. I think its tricky. You want to do something where the majority is OK with it. But IMO, the hardest part would be doing something where BOTH sides AREN'T pissed. And I'm not talking about the folks that would be pissed no matter what. There would be negotiations on this that would get ugly. Putting a price tag on your ancestors enslavement seems like a pretty difficult thing. And how does the non-black community say "we will give you this much...but not that much" and come across as anything other than a dickhead who you don't feel like moving forward with? San Fran set the bar high by proposing $5 million per person, guaranteed annual incomes, no tax burdens and $1 homes. Call that a starting offer. Obviously that is impossible, but anyone who publicly pushed back on it would not be seen in a favorable light. So you you have people expecting millions and get $100,000 total in tax credits? Even if it was a lump sum $100,000 payment, who walks away satisfied? You have one side bitter about $5 trillion (back of napkin, so maybe wrong) in debt and the other thinking they got short changed. And if you're going to piss off more people than you appease, what good did you do?
  3. What's the appropriate amount?
  4. He needs to become more enamored with Adolis.
  5. Haha, where to begin.... 1. Gay Love Triangle. Obviously, I'm not in these guys' bedroom or know everything about their personal life, but I'm 99.9% sure the gay love triangle is social media "fun." A Mizzou fan started it. Devo has always painted his nails so that's why he was involved. Trevon Brazile transferred to Arkansas from Mizzou, so you can see why he was the target. Jalen Graham and Traman Mark? Collateral damage, I guess. Most Arkansas message boards haven't really allowed posts on it, as no one with actual knowledge believes it, but some fans have the attitude "probably not true, but something sure as hell messed this season up, lol." At least Brazile and Graham have had a little fun with it - see pics below posted after beating.....Mizzou. 2. This season. Live by the portal, die by the portal. This season was the first where Muss ended up with the worst case scenario you can get from the portal. A bunch of guys who entered the portal for all the wrong reasons, problems with the coach, problems with their roles, wanted more $$ and so on. It's not a likeable group of guys and you can tell the effort simply isn't there consistently. He also brought back two guys who were pretty big character problems last year in Mitchell and Graham. IMO, he got overly confident in his abilities to mesh a team together over the course of the season. He can't just take any 7 guys, regardless of skill set, position and character makeup and meld them together into a team. But I think he believed he could. 3. NIL. There have been a lot of rumors of a rift between the Hunts (who are the largest supporters of basketball NIL) and Muss. The story I believe to be true is that the players who are supported by the NIL are not showing up for agreed upon appearances. Unlike many collectives, where players' NIL is used for profit based business, the Hunt's collective (AAC) is charity and community service related and players are expected to lend their NIL to these events, make appearances, etc. Something the Hunts very much believe in. This may have lead to some players not getting paid, which potentially could lead to some players not putting out effort or even quitting. Devo left the program at one point last year, which I believe was NIL related. And he's stepped away from team again this season. 4. Muss leaving. I do believe he wants the Louisville job. I personally love Muss and hope he stays, but I do think he wears on people and runs its course over a few years. His assistant turnover has always been very high. I don't think he would want out bad enough to go to Arizona State or Minnesota as has been rumored, as those would be huge steps down in prestige, pay and NIL; but Louisville is a top 10-15 job with a hungry fanbase eager to win and Muss can step in there and flip the roster fast. If he doesn't get the Louisville job, not sure what will happen. 2, 3 and 4 are all obviously related and intertwined. Chicken, egg....
  6. Lots of smoke that Muss ends up at Louisville this year. Beard has relationships with some folks from his UALR days.
  7. Show looks funny. Side note: In recent history, has any knowingly guilty famous person ever recovered like Mike Tyson has? Anyone can cast him in anything these days with zero shame. No one is casting Kevin Spacey in anything that is remotely mainstream.
  8. Ringer Prestige TV podcast doing a new podcast focusing on series finales and whether they “stuck the landing.” Mad Men was their second episode.
  9. And if only 17/9000 were on NCAAF, with 6 on LSU, that doesn't really seem like a problem for LSU.
  10. I think I just realized I'm bi-sexual and in an ENM relationship with some guys I watch games with.
  11. Has a TV movie feel to it, IMO.
  12. 2003 to 2013 seems like a big jump, specifically due to technology. 2013 to 2023 just doesn't to me. Maybe I am actually crazy (and getting old). By 2013, most people were on the 7th generation of iphone.
  13. I like how that is presented as new news. Twitter... A simple google search shows that the 672 was known from the beginning of this story. the 215 is since 2016. 672 since 2008. I'm sure if you go back further in time, the number will increase even more and Pam Keith, Esq can say "well....that's now _____ bodies." https://jacksonadvocateonline.com/crump-wants-inquiry-of-215-people-buried-in-county-paupers-field/
  14. True but in 2013, kids were on their iPhones, posting on instagram and Twitter and facebook. Same as 2023.
  15. Hard to disagree that a lot of issues in 2013 have gotten worse in 10 years. Just doesn't seem all that different to me. But again, I started that post acknowledging that I'm probably old man yelling at clouds. Could probably take this thread down into the gutter talking about how today's kids have such mental health issues.
  16. Not really. Seems like pretty similar high school experiences to me. Music seems the same. Video games seem the same. Kids just on their smart phones posting on social media the same.
  17. I'm probably old man yelling at clouds here, but there was a world of cultural difference between 1975 and 1985. And just as much 1985 to 1995. I don't see a fucking thing different between 2013 and 2023.....
  18. I'm not going argue the specifics of whether it was criminal or not, but IMO, if they remade that movie today, the likeable leading actor isn't having sex with a high school girl.
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