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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. The previous firing can be justified, as can the current hiring. He deserved to be fired, but its been 10 years, he's learned, changed, been employed by four universities without issue, blah, blah. Not to mention its not the same position. He's an assistant coach, not running the football program and making hires.
  2. This will likely be a disaster but will be entertaining.
  3. This doesn't belong in the TAM thread
  4. And admitted using HGH.
  5. What’s he saying, that the officer would’ve avoided hitting him if he was a white guy, high on PCP, crossing the interstate at night?
  6. Gotcha. They may have tried to cover something up, although I’m not sure what exactly that would be. Removing the wallet would’ve been priority #1 for me. My best guess is, in a city where most public services are not done correctly, this public service was not done correctly.
  7. I haven’t seen that, and anything is possible, but I’d lean more toward incompetence than conspiracy. JPD can’t even answer 911 calls on a normal basis, it’s no surprise they didn’t find the time to identify and notify the family in this case.
  8. NBC mentioned the meth and PCP https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna121697
  9. I can almost guarantee every person involved in this was black. JPD is almost entirely black. Lumumba overseas a city that is the murder capital of the US, can't provide drinking water or trash pickup. He doesn't care. The victim was high on PCP and walking across the interstate at night and everyone's first reaction is that the cop must be drunk?
  10. I'm not anti vaccine. I took the vaccine by choice. I think the military mandate was a poor decision and should not have been an order in the first place. But for the most part, it has been rectified. Surely there have been military orders that you have disagreed with?
  11. Eat a dick, but we dropped the requirement and we'd love to have you back and restore your rank.
  12. Needed. Still required for a reason.
  13. Bullshit mandate. Reinstate them and give them back pay.
  14. Totally different and not done with the intention of blocking traffic to get attention. In most cases, traffic was allowed to go by (as you can see in the photo you posted).
  15. Death is not an appropriate punishment, but fuck anyone who intentionally blocks roads.
  16. First, you're wrong. At an absolute minimum, many believed it was just a sign of southern heritage. Tom Petty wasn't pushing for slavery. The Dukes of Hazard wasn't pushing for slavery. But, like you should, people wised up to how it was viewed by most of the world. Tom Petty - "It was downright stupid." https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/tom-petty-on-past-confederate-flag-use-it-was-downright-stupid-177619/ But just move on from that example and replace the confederate flag with a swastika, which certainly had life prior to the Nazis adopting it. Yet no one flies the swastika as a sign of "health, luck, success and prosperity."
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