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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Pretty sure Curb is almost done filming and Garlin is in season 12.
  2. 65 years old but would.
  3. They were all in theatres that weekend but they didn't all open that weekend.
  4. Read Jim Foster's quotes in an Augie voice and all of a sudden you start liking the guy.
  5. About that...
  6. Yeah. It’s like 99.9% you sign if drafted in top 10 rounds. Deal already made. Only doesn’t happen if some injury stuff pops up.
  7. This song was used in a movie(At Close Range), and the clips in the video are from that video. The movie was crazy and based off a true story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_Close_Range
  8. Would the 10% that pay be willing to find a workaround? Maybe IMO, the 10% that pays would also be the subset willing to give ID. They already have. If pornhub relies on the 10% that pay, seems like they risk running off the valuable customers who likely don't care about providing ID.
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