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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. If you've ever dropped your kids off at Camp Ozark, you've probably been here.
  2. Then 363, now 355..... Hospitalizations at a low and % of hospitalized that are in ICU are at a low of 12%. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html
  3. 7 day average daily deaths are 363, continuing the drop.
  4. 1) Their opinion on what they should teach children in the classroom. 2) More than a book, clearly in those videos. And I agree that I should not - and do not - rely on my kids school to raise my kid. I recently had the gender conversation with my 11 year old. He was much more prepared to have it at 11 than he would have been at 6. 3) LGBTQ+? Absolutely not. People who are eager to talk about my K-3rd grader about these subjects? Yeah, I think that's weird. Some of those people above seemed excited about the prospects of discussing this with kids. 4) Absolutely, and unfortunately we have taught our kids what is not OK to for an adult to do around them. But sure as fuck not the job of my kids kindergarten teacher. That would be weird.
  5. What laws ares created to stop something everyone is doing? I think he answered your question from yesterday with multiple examples: Was this even a thing that was actually happening? Was this a real problem that deserved the legislative attention and cost? I haven't seen anything to support this narrative aside from the narrative.
  6. The states that would hypothetically have the weather to be attractive year round would be limited. But a state like Texas would probably offer a ton. But if you’re leaving Florida due to political reasons…
  7. The Cowboys are worth $6.5 billion and you think Walt Disney World maxes out at $9.999 billion?
  8. Also LOL at it being a a nine figure loss. Try 11 or 12 figures.
  9. Lol. Everyone would be fired and replaced the second they decided a to take a proposed nine figure loss to the board.
  10. Move them and probably piss off the shareholders even more. They've been moving more and more from California to Florida lately.
  11. You said "moves to leave the state." They can't just pack up and start over somewhere else. Disney leadership also has to answer to shareholders, who aren't interested in abandoning 31 hotels, 3 theme parks and 25,000 acres that is a money making machine. Even if leadership promises them it's just a bluff for political purposes.
  12. Disney can't just leave.
  13. Romney was painted as a racist and would be again. He's going to put blacks "back in chains." That's the playbook.
  14. Yeah. It's all over twitter today for some reason, but I recognized the story immediately. A bit of a FAFO double dip.
  15. The current 7 day average deaths is 425 and that has been steadily dropping every day for 2.5 months. The unvaccinated death rate is reported to be 10 times higher, so I would assume 42 unvaccinated people are dying daily. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html
  16. Federal laws are for thee, not for me.
  17. Go ahead and change the hookem to the middle finger on my post. I was saying of course it was no big deal for you because you didn't follow the rules or wear your mask the way one is supposed to on a plane. It's easy when you use your status to be above the rules that everyone else abides to and don't wear a mask "most of the time." Meanwhile everyone else gets 1.5 seconds per sip, as federal law requires you to briefly remove and put back on between sips and bites. This is like Gavin Newsom telling everyone else to sacrifice while he dines maskless at The French Laundry. Do I give a fuck that you did that, or that he did that? Absolutely not. But maybe hold off on calling everyone else babies when you are bragging about not following the rules yourself.
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