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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. IMO, Aggy didn't want to play. That said, their outbreak (reportedly) started with a number of symptomatic players testing positive. Then they saw an out and tested the whole team.
  2. I think there's a disconnect here. No one is saying anyone who is asymptomatic and without known exposure should test. She was responding to someone who has chronic allergy symptoms that are similar to Covid. So not asymptomatic. That said if I had chronic symptoms that I was familiar with and had for years, I wouldn't be overly aggressive in testing for Covid. But that's just me, and probably not what would be recommended by someone more official. That said, the NFL just adopted protocols similar to what you suggest. Vaccinated players no longer have test at all unless they show symptoms. Most college teams have done the same all year.
  3. This. Maybe if it was just getting a shot in arms once. But.. Vaccinate the world? Then boost the world? Then continue to boost the world?
  4. And when we raise taxes it isn't ever to cover the wasteful shit we already do. Its to cover a new program. And it usually won't even cover the new program because it is also so fucking wasteful. And yeah, both sides responsible.
  5. Article specific to Beasley. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/12/21/cole-beasley-the-rules-not-covid-are-keeping-me-out/amp/ The good news for Beasley is that, once he returns, he’ll be immune to testing or a five-day absence for “close contact” with an infected player for 90 days. Which will take him through the end of the season.
  6. Another article https://sports.yahoo.com/covid-protocols-put-unvaccinated-players-234055784.html Will that be enough to get them to choose to be vaccinated? Probably not. Which means that, at a time when the chances of vaccinated players suddenly testing positive will be minimized, the chances of unvaccinated players ending up on COVID-19 reserve will potentially go up. It definitely won’t go down. The good news, if there is any, is that many unvaccinated player have gotten COVID and entered the 90-day testing holiday.
  7. All of that is true. Until they get Covid. Then it’s 90 days off. After 90 days back to the protocols you posted. Interview from three days ago with the Chief Medical Officer. https://www.nfl.com/_amp/media-briefing-transcript-nfl-nflpa-covid-19-protocols-update-dec-18-2021 QUESTION: You said you saw infections in individuals that have been previously been infected, would that change the 90-day rule at all as far as not having to test if you’ve tested positive and were in the protocol and then tested out? Dr. Sills: I think that again that’s something we’re going to have to continue to evaluate. What I was speaking to you about was sort of outlier cases and so you never want to make policy based on one or two cases. You want to look at a group aggregate and what the total experience is. Once again, I think we’ll have more information about that. We’ve not changed that definition yet in our protocol but it’s one of those things we’ll continue to watch. Certainly though, what we’re emphasizing right now though, Mike, is you can be within your 90 days and still develop symptoms and if you are, we want you to report those. Don’t just assume that, hey, I’m in my 90 days, I can’t be infected. Currently though, we do still have the 90-day test holiday as part of this protocol but, we are emphasizing that symptom reporting is still to important in this group also.
  8. Take it up with the CDC. They set these guidelines over a year ago and they still are the guidelines. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1236782
  9. Honestly, not sure why that is a surprise. It’s been the policy for most sports since they returned to play. It was a big deal in college football last year. Test positive - 90 day pass. It’s still that way. And honestly, in line with CDC guidelines, which has always given a 90 day pass for those recovered when it comes to quarantining after exposure. Natural immunity is pretty much universally accepted for a LIMITED period of time. https://sports.yahoo.com/aaron-rodgers-gets-90-day-130548124.html Players who test out or return after the standard quarantine period after testing positive will have a 90-day window that they will not have to be tested. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/nfl-changes-covid-19-testing-protocols-amid-current-outbreak?_amp=true Someone who tested positive for COVID-19 with a viral test within the previous 90 days and has subsequently recovered and remains without COVID-19 symptoms does not need to quarantine. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html
  10. Once you test positive, and sit, you don’t have to test for 90 days. That’s been the protocol in most sports since the beginning of this. That 90 day window will extend the rest of the season for him.
  11. I know y'all want it to be bad, but what Beasley is likely going to "find out" is that he has very mild to asymptomatic case and will feel even more confident in his decision. And won't have to sweat out another test for the rest of the season or playoffs.
  12. Well, of course you would see an increase in vaccinations. 1) I hope that doesn't happen. 2) If it did, their freedoms wouldn't change. Something they see as unnecessary would simply become necessary.
  13. Meaning? We need it so let's take it?
  14. Correct. You shouldn't. You are basing that tax rate off unrealized gains.
  15. He didn't "make" $36.2 billion that day anymore than he lost $50 billion these two days. You can't tax unrealized gains because they are up some days and down some days and don't have a yearly cash out.
  16. I can't imagine they would. How would you do that? Take a photo?
  17. That's what we've used them for. Kid has cold symptoms, give them a test, send to school with a clear conscience. I've sweated those tests out at 7am a number of mornings, thinking "damn, I'm not prepared to be locked down for two weeks." Once you get a clear test, it's like a get out of jail free card for a couple of weeks.
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