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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Could we? NFL, NBA, CBB and numerous highly vaccinated universities shutting down makes me believe it helps secure a healthy outcome, but we aren’t getting the spread under control.
  2. If he has Covid can he play anywhere for 3 months without testing or vaccination? Forget how they treat the recovered.
  3. IMO, times up. It takes 5 weeks with Pfizer and 6 weeks with Moderna to be "fully vacccinated." Omicron ain't got time for that.
  4. 100% agree. And wish everyone did. But the early numbers are staggering. Omicron doesn't fuck around. Omicron is about to "vaccinate" everyone in the next few weeks.
  5. Never would've believed it until the last 24-48 hours, but after seeing multiple NBA and CBB games cancelled and some NFL games moved, I imagine some bowl games won't be played.
  6. Ughh. Just let the vaccinated players play.
  7. Yesterday, the UK blew by the previous day's record of 78K cases with 88k. Most ever. Will be interesting to see what today brings.
  8. LOL. Shut it all down and come back in February.
  9. Ha. You’re going to test positive for Covid and only have like 3 days of quarantine left because your symptoms started so long ago.
  10. According to a source on the show, a camera assistant made a complaint to her department head about Garlin’s use of the word. After the actor found out, he reportedly put his hands around her and kept saying “vagina” in her face over and over again. Overall, Garlin’s go-to jokes that a number of people on the show found offensive were talking about grandma’s vagina, balls and brassier, a co-worker said. Additionally, he would not address some longtime female crew members by name, using instead nicknames that some also considered offensive.
  11. Gotcha but that's the conversation you jumped in on when you quoted me.
  12. I hope Omicron is a blessing is disguise. Because it sure seems like everyone* is going to get it sooner or later. *an exaggeration but it sure seem like nothing is stopping it from spreading.
  13. Who doesn't see that? I see that. What I disagree with is the idea that the 3% of the world's unvaccinated in the US not getting vaccinated is why this thing isn't long gone. It doesn't help. Its dumb for them. But if they changed their mind tomorrow the worldwide pandemic isn't over. The UK just hit its highest daily total. That means they have more cases in a day at 75% vaccinated than they ever did with 0%. In fact, the 78k blew past the previous record of 68k.
  14. Define serious disease. Is mild or asymptotic Covid 19 a serious disease? The subject is Covid never going away. With 4 billion unvaccinated in the world and breakthrough cases very common, I don't see how anyone is surprised its still around here. In your "magical" scenario, yes, I believe there still would be major outbreaks in cases eventually. Because 5% more come in the next day. And the next. And the next.... ITT in the last 24 hours there is an article about Cornell shutting down its campus with 900 cases despite everyone on campus required to be vaccinated and wear masks. The NFL players are at 94% and the personnel at 100%, and there is a big outbreak this week. Thanks to the vaccines (and those groups' age and health) probably not a single one will be at risk. But still a "significant uptick." Now, if we were 100% vaccinated, we probably would hardly test and we probably wouldn't know or care that Covid was still around. But like you said, that's "magical."
  15. I now remember that, but that was just Cal doing the testing, not anything NCAA wide or cnference wide like last season or like what the NFL does.
  16. Even if that wasn't true, there are like 4 billion unvaccinated people on the planet. Alpha didn't come from here. Delta didn't come from here. Omicron didn't come from here. And we don't live on a fortified island.
  17. Do college teams test this year? I haven't heard of any players missing a game this year, much less a team not being able to play.
  18. 94.3% of NFL players are vaccinated. I'm not so sure that punishing teams for their players testing positive despite doing the right thing and getting vaccinated is the best way to convince anyone to get vaccinated. IMO, we just need to stop testing vaccinated players.
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