Can his 10 day quarantine be shortened? Is he even required to quarantine by HP? This is a quite confusing bullet point to me, Pg 8:
Students who are exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 will not be required to quarantine. The CDC recommends anyone who is not vaccinated and exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 should self-isolate.
Are you quarantining him from life in general? If so, I believe there is a positive to getting a negative test on day 5 (wednesday in your case). He could be out of quarantine by the weekend.
You may be able to shorten your quarantine
Your local public health authorities make the final decisions about how long quarantine should last, based on local conditions and needs. Follow the recommendations of your local public health department if you need to quarantine. Options they will consider include stopping quarantine
After day 10 without testing
After day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later)