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Everything posted by Scholz

  1. Love all the talk of Sark’s past drinking while ignoring how brutally hungover Bilbo looks in every damn picture 😂
  2. They’ll keep Jeff Lebby that’s for sure. He’s their kind of people.
  3. Maybe a more elegant way to say it is blowu will protect winning coaches even if they recruit and cover up for multitudes of girl beaters the likes of Joe Mixon. That is immoral and the oklahoma way.
  4. This dude is going to catch big time TDs for us
  5. Seriously. Was anyone scanning the LSU fans in Omaha? There were some real swamp rats in there.
  6. Should’ve stepped on that spastic ass clown’s foot in the middle of the bag
  7. I love how H2H wins are their raison d’etre until it’s us winning and then they just lie their asses off. Such low character individuals.
  8. Stony Point is in our district. That kid is legit.
  9. There’s your problem right there. Go away.
  10. I’m very much enjoying this thread, particularly the wholesale bitchassedness from rivals.
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