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Uncle Nate

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  1. BYU got soaked by the refs there towards the end of the first half.
  2. They don’t have much of a choice. This isn’t a play through it injury.
  3. McNeese is like 10% from the charity stripe today
  4. I did the same. Looking good so far.
  5. The one guy escorted out wasn't wearing anything that mentioned Nico. So the Maverick's response that they were escorted out for violating NBA rules by what they were wearing was complete bullshit. The big fat guy had on a sweater with no writing, and no hat. He got escorted out for mouthing "Fire Nico" on the big screen. That is such bullshit.
  6. I'm no big time business expert, but it seems to me that removing your most fervent and passionate customers from your place of business is not a sound business practice.
  7. Rumors swirling that Micah Hudson may already be on the outs. IF true, that didn't take long.
  8. 10000%. But it was a Screaming Viking, not a Flaming Viking.
  9. Uncle Nate


    Andy Garcia is in the house! Andy Garcia is perfect for this role! Absolutely perfect. I hope TS doesn’t fuck up the storyline with Andy’s character. There is some great potential for the interactions between him and BBT.
  10. 1. Do the damn prep. It's not that bad, and it will give you a great cleaning out, which isn't a bad thing. But most importantly is you want to do the fasting and prep just this one time, and if you don't do the prep completely and as prescribed, odds are you'll have to try again. 2. I would STRONGLY recommend that if you don't have a handheld shower head, make the nominal investment and get one. Why? Because if you do a complete wiping after every trip to the toilet, you are going to be raw as hell down there and very well could give yourself a hemorrhoid if you get to wiping too much. So my advice is just a superficial wipe or patting, and then finish off in the shower with the handheld. Your butt will thank you. 3. Use gatorade, not powerade. Trust me on this. It makes a difference. And don't use red, do green or clear. The red could lead to the doctor seeing something that's not an actual issue. 4. The insistence on you having a driver is legit. Why? Because the best part of the colonscopy is the drugs. And you're still going to be a tad loopy when they release you (not real loopy, just a pleasant little relaxed high, but also just a little disoriented). When you wake up from the procedure, you will have felt like you just had the best 8-hr sleep you've had in a long time. It's awesome. 5. The second best part of the colonoscopy is the next meal. You are relaxed, cleaned out, and a little hungry. I would go for either a big ass breakfast or a greasy cheeseburger. That's my advice. Just do it as prescribed. Get you a book because you'll be in there awhile, and seriously consider getting a handheld shower head for the cleaning (unless you are a rich fuck who owns a bidet...then problem solved).
  11. Speaking of Bubbas...I just recently learned they are the same outfit as Babe's.
  12. Uncle Nate


    I love the show, but let's be honest, Fonzi is about to try on the water skis.
  13. You nailed it. This is 10000% his task.
  14. I would say the Trustees are by and large a little more to the right...but it's like Highland Park moderate right vs. Southlake Carroll right. Administration, other than Turner and a couple of others, are left. Your academic leadership from the top down are all left. The faculty is all left with small pockets of moderate conservatives sprinkled in but who don't say anything.
  15. I can assure you no one gives a rats ass about Craig James at SMU. He's not rich enough for them to care about.
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