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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. I was there. It was greatness. Had some longhorns in our section who decided to catch the game before going to the Rose Bowl a couple of days later. We were all one family that night. Next day at the San Diego zoo every Longhorn we saw thanked us for beating Cal.
  2. I think CDC offers the latter and if Beard doesn't agree then he does the former.
  3. Well, as someone who has worked most of his career in public institutions, I assure you UT is going to follow some form of due process in this situation. Now I realize Beard has a contract with specific language, but UT also has it's own internal policies and processes they must follow. Most of the time when an institution gets itself in trouble it is because they didn't follow their own policies and processes. I promise you UT has an employment policy and process for this, even for a coach with contract language stated as posted above. And I guarantee you they will follow that process to the letter. It's not the same "due process" the federal government mandates they have to do with students and even with faculty, but they do have a due process procedure they most certainly are going to follow to the letter (or be prepared to pay him that which they don't want, and shouldn't have, to pay him).
  4. Agreed. Breaking up with that BSC fiancee I had was the best decision I ever made. Beard should have done the same.
  5. Really? Based on the arrest alone? What if it turns out that nothing actually happened that he's being accused of (long shot, I admit). I mean this is a heated domestic dispute and the APD we are talking about. Hypothetically, if UT fires him tomorrow and in a few days it is proven he never choked her or hit her or the like, then UT is up the legal shit creek with not much of a paddle at that point, aren't they? There's no reason UT has to rush this...none whatsoever. They need to make sure they have all their i's dotted and t's crossed. And they will.
  6. I guess I'm too dumb to understand the distinction you are making. I feel bad for Beard. I feel bad that his passion and the moment got the best of him and his life is pretty much ruined right now. His life, his career, his reputation, his family. It's mostly all shot (except maybe for the family). That does not make me some defender of wife beaters. Makes me a human who can feel empathy for other humans. And as someone who also was once engaged to a crazy female from the outskirts of Lubbock, let me just verify right now that there is something in the well water out there that can make some of the women out there a whole new level of crazy.
  7. No, it's not defending him...not at all. You can feel sorry for someone and not defend their actions. You can empathize with what a person is going through and still say that what they did was 100% wrong. Sympathy is not dismissal.
  8. Please don't get me wrong...I'm not dismissing his actions at all. But most of us have dated, been engaged, or married someone who was BSC at some point in our lives. They can drive you completely insane.* *Not defending Beard, just empathizing.
  9. Man, you gotta feel for the guy. From the stories we heard in Lubbock about Randi, she is BSC. Hate for a man's career and reputation to be completely destroyed by a cray cray woman.
  10. Ok, another question for the lawyers. Doesn't he have the right to have his attorney there with him, even for this?
  11. See, it's educational material like this that keeps me coming back to the Surly.
  12. Honestly, for someone who has been up all night after (presumably) drinking, spending a few hours in the tank, and presumably having been in an altercation with the fiancee, this mug shut looks a lot better than I expected.
  13. Have a question for you, and I'll be happy to DM if you would like... Do employment lawyers shy away from taking on cases if the employer is the UT System or another State of Texas agency because of the whole sovereign immunity thing? I know someone who is being retaliated against by her boss because she went on partial FMLA, creating a hostile work environment, the works. She's talked to a couple of law firms who advertise that this is their specialty, but as soon as they find out she works for the UT System, they won't touch it.
  14. I'm a Tech graduate, thus I'm not entirely enamored with Beard as you might expect. But with that said... I was really hoping when I first heard the news that it wasn't true. Honestly, I still am. Part of me is holding out hope that APD was overzealous in their charge, and that Beard didn't do anything remotely close to what he's being accused of. Knowing APD's history, that is not entirely out of the question (I remember how terrible they were in the 80's when my sister was attending St. Ed's. I think APD long held the reputation as being one of the worst in the state for being overly zealous and bullying). I guess the odds are there's enough smoke here to indicate a fire. But the thing is Beard still deserves due-process, and he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. We don't need mob rule, even in DV cases. UT is smart enough to know this and they will do things by the book and not fire him unless cause has been established. I promise you that will not happen today. Beard deserves his due process, and you all as alumni and fans of UT deserve to have due process played out correctly and by the book.
  15. If you want, I can give your Registrar a call on your behalf and explain the justifiable extenuating circumstances to allow the grading portal to remain open for you. They don't want to process those Change-of-Grade forms any more than you wanting to fill them out.
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