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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hozz

  1. Hozz


    So I finished my career and then played a fair bit after that. Got all the rare mechs, messed around with a lot of builds. Great game but I think I am done with it unless I hit a rut and run out of stuff to play from my backlog (unlikely). I got 112 hours in it according to Steam, that is a lot for me. I would love to see them do a sequel. All the HBS games I have played I have enjoyed and I am looking forward to their next release, The Lamplighters League.
  2. This was on my radar ahead of its release, as turn based tactics is my favorite genre. But I didn't get it because I am not a huge fan of card/deck mechanics and the relationship stuff I read about seemed like some kind of JRPG mechanic that I also am not a fan of. Finally, at this point I have no real interest in the MCU as I feel like it is 1000% over exposed. All that said, this was on sale for 50% off during the Spring Steam sale though so I pulled the trigger. I really like the game, although I am very early on. You have a squad of 3 dudes out of maybe 8 total (There are 4 DLCs that add 1 hero a piece on top of the base game), one of which is you who plays a new (to me?) character called The Hunter. There are some rough 'classes', tank/damage/support, but the characters all play fairly differently and you can build your guy in one of two directions based on dark/light choices that are sort of mass effect paragon/rogue type choices. The environment plays a huge part in every mission, like you can pick shit up and use it or knock enemies into other enemies or battlefield hazards to great effect. Some missions have felt a little too puzzle-y for my taste but that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't like being rated on speed (more reward for winning in fewer turns) and this game does that. Between missions you have a day time and night time component where you pick something to do during the day (train) and night (hangout, this is kind of weird but it works better than I thought). Both primarily give you relationship xp but training also gives a combat boost for the character you train with on the next mission, if you take them along. The more you do stuff with the same guys/girls you get levels that unlock bonuses. You also build new shit from mission loot rewards that can be new gear, new abilities (cards) or new cosmetic shit. Then there is another loot based mechanic that lets you research stuff that is fairly powerful. Finally, your base is kind of a small open world setting with its own quests and collectibles that unlock various stuff and also has a lot of lore type shit.
  3. lol Will Smith. I was hoping to see him get slapped.
  4. Hozz


    I did not finish the campaign but I got to the last mission. It said to have 2 full lances and that seemed like a slog so I just started a career and have been having a blast. I am to the point where I am trying to collect all the star league mechs I can find. So far I only have 2, Bull Shark and Warhammer. I am aware of the active mod community, apparently there are multiple comprehensive ones. The two you mentioned and something called BEX? Also there is an entirely new mod campaign out there too. Right now the base game is enough for me, if I decide to start another career I will install one of the mods. I generally don't play any game multiple times though, but I already have like 70 hours into this and am still going.
  5. Hozz


    I Kickstarted this but, for whatever reason despite TB tactics being my favorite genre of PC game, never played it until recently. Man, what a great game. Played the campaign and started a career, that mode is even more fun IMO. On Steam, the base game is on sale right now for 75% and the Season Pass (3 DLCs) is 50% off.
  6. Hozz

    2023 NFL DRAFT

    Bijan official best times 1.52 split 4.46 40.
  7. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1581770/SpellForce_Conquest_of_Eo/ Was not on my radar until very recently. It's surprisingly different from anything else out there but the closest comp I think would be Heroes of Might and Magic but with a lot more gameplay systems going on, almost a 4X but not quite. So, turn based on the world map and then turn based tactical combat with an auto resolve option. $30 MSRP which is bargain from what I have seen in a couple of days of playing, but then it's 20% off for release week on top of that. The only negative I have seen is that a lot of the mechanics/systems are not explained well. This is one of those games where normal difficulty is probably going to kick your ass the first time through even if you are familiar with the genre. Age of Wonders 4 is coming out in 3 months, this is a great hold over game until then.
  8. Fuck yeah! Looks great.
  9. A couple of 2023 Benchmades that I have my eyes on: https://www.knivesshipfree.com/benchmade-knives-15535or-1-taggedout-carbon-fiber-cpm-magnacut-orange-cerakote-axis-lock/ 100% getting that as soon as it comes out which apparently is not going to be until Aug/Sep. https://www.knivesshipfree.com/benchmade-knives-748-narrows-titanium-folder-m390-axis-lock/ Price on this 2nd one is, uh, steep. I missed the Anthem when it was in production, AFAIK this is only their second non-custom titanium offering. Not quite sure why it is so expensive though. Back when it was an option I got a custom Bugout in M4/titanium and it was $345.
  10. Complete opposite, at least for a carry gun. I do enjoy SA at the range though.
  11. Totally forgot about this.
  12. I found the P365X to be the perfect compromise between the P365 and the P365XL. You can get an aftermarket mag spring and base plate that adds +2 to the OEM 12 round mags with like maybe a 1/4" of increased clearance.
  13. He was WR coach when I was at Texas, came over with fuck stick Mackovic. His room loved him. Probably was in the car with Adams and Pinkney when the Fox photo booth got smoked.
  14. I would play the one that came out on the PS4 first. It was an all timer. FWIW I have not played this one.
  15. I first saw this movie the last day of school my junior year in high school after skipping and going to Galveston to drink on the beach all day as was local tradition. A couple of friends worked at the AMC East/West theaters near Almeda Mall and we watched it on a screen with like 10 people and beer after they closed for the night. One of the greatest days of my life.
  16. So this is out, anyone seen it? IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes scores not great.
  17. I have not lived in Austin since 97 so I never had Torchy's until they opened one near me in SA. Loved it. Tortillas were shit, like Taco Bell quality, but the variety of non traditional fillings more than made up for that. My favorite ever was the Creeper. Trailer Park Trashy and Ace of Spades after that. The burrito, as others have pointed out, is also great. When Covid shut everything down I stopped getting Torchy's because their tacos don't travel for shit. We got a Velvet Taco last year in the same area-ish, The Rim. I think it crushes Torchy's at its own game. Also they don't recycle their WTF nearly as much as Torchy's does their Taco of the Month. I went back to Torchy's for the first time in years last Summer or so and they have definitely upped their tortilla game, at least the two locations closest to me, Rim and Stone Oak. They seemed scratch made vs the Sysco shit they used to use.
  18. She is my wife's aunt.
  19. Gun Jesus chimes in on the ATF brace rule TLDW: NFA 1934 was originally intended to prohibitively tax machine guns and handguns, the types of guns organized crime used most. SBR/SBS rules were added to prevent working around not technically being a handgun ie. cutting down the barrel or stock of a rifle or shotgun. Then at the last minute, handguns were removed from the NFA but the SBS/SBR rules left in.
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