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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hozz

  1. Just found this thread. I have sous vide lots of stuff but I primarily (95%) use it for steak. I got a Sansaire right around the time they were funding the Joule, which is how I learned about sous vide. At the time, that and Anova were the only two kinds of 'stick' circulators on Amazon. I say 'stick' because the Sansaire is more of a log. It was 1100W though and cheaper than the Anova so I got it. I also got one of those basic vacuum style Food Saver models pretty quickly because I hated doing the ziplock way. I could never get it perfect and then it would float around. Food Saver also made leftovers/reheating super easy. For the vessel, because it was so unwieldy, the Sansaire needed something bigger than most traditional kitchen pots. So I went with Rubbermaid stuff which was cheap and very functional. I have since moved to the Lipavi stuff which is ridiculously expensive for what it is, but I love how you can get the lids tailored for whatever circulator you are using. I seared on a chimney at first but wanted something faster and that I could do inside so I got a Searzall. It's a very high cool factor but I mostly just do cast iron now. Put some ghee on there until it starts to smoke then go. My Sansaire got cracked in a fall last year, it would still work but you had to be very careful with it or it would fall apart. So I got one of the Instant Pot Slims on sale for $70. So much smaller. 800W vs 1100W but it has not been a problem. My tap gets to 128F so the unit does not have much work to do to get to 135F, which is as high as I go with steak. Last year I also upgraded my Food Saver to a chamber sealer, the Avid Armor USVX. It's one of the cheapest chamber sealers but still a lot compared to a Food Saver. 100% worth it though...the seal you get with chamber vs vacuum is noticeably better and it handles liquids perfectly where vacuum sealers don't, at least not well. It is awesome for marinades. The bags are also cheaper because they don't need to have the channels on them like the vacuum sealers need. Another thing I discovered last year was wildfork.com. They have brick and mortars but they have a $30/year a service where they will next day any order over $35. I've had orders get to my house in less than 24 hours but they pack with a shit ton of dry ice to the point where you could probably leave the box out on your porch for days and it would be fine. Some prices are better than HEB, some aren't. But, they also have some cuts and grades you can't (or I can't get at mine at least) get at HEB.
  2. My wife's grandma opened the Molino in 1937. Interestingly, she was Italian but her husband was Mexican. My FIL ran the St. Mary's location until he retired. Her aunt inherited the San Pedro spot and sold it in 2003 but some of the same employees still cook there and they still use most (all?) of the same recipes.
  3. Hozz

    The Menu

    We loved this. I was not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised.
  4. I only saw a little since ESPN bumped it from ESPN to ESPN2. I think Mitchell was the first tip on the Williams pick. The production value was fucking awful in terms of covering the actual plays in the game.
  5. ESPN is shamelessly milking this for eye balls in a way that is surprising even for them. I set the Under Armor game to record and went to watch it just now and they bumped it for Damar Hamlin coverage.
  6. Four games today and three of them start at 11 or noon central. Annoying.
  7. I don't think the video is a big deal but it is weird. Who does that? That is Matt Campbell type shit. A normal coach I bet probably doesn't even notice, they have dude's holding them on the sideline all the time. Even if they did notice I would expect them to wave the guy off or just, you know, wait to go out of the tunnel like the dude is trying to get you to do. The % of coaches who would drop multiple F bombs on a guy for touching him, before a game, has to be tiny.
  8. For all the shit Saban gets, this was as big of a potential "...didn't want to be there" scenario as any of the bowl games. They go down 10 and then don't miss a beat and they look like they do, in fact, very much want to be there. Also, did they have anyone opt out? Sugar Bowl is a big deal bowl, sure, but I don't think anyone would have been surprised if Young and/or Will Anderson had sat this one out. It's not like it's the CFP. Also watching various Alabama targets actually catching deep balls...PTSD.
  9. It didn't bother me before the game that our two best RBs opted out. I thought they both had good reason to in the context of the opt out era. That said, actually seeing them on the sideline as it became clear we were likely losing irritated the fuck out of me. I'd like to think that Bijan sat to give the other RBs the spot light in a game he thought Texas wins without him. I'd like to think RJ sat to get healthier, but that if you had told him "Texas will lose if you don't play." He would have. And Texas does win, without both guys, if "1" catches fucking balls that hit him in the hands.
  10. I have seen that a couple of places but Tech only had 1 SEC win and aggy had 2. What am I missing?
  11. If you listen on their website http://texas.leanplayer.com you can pause easily.
  12. Big Bib Bar on 2nd level near section 233 is a solid local place. They started in a shit hole strip mall off Austin Highway in like 2009 or something. It ain't Pinkerton's but it's decent.
  13. 9:42 mark Flood spills the beans on a secret weapon in the RB room and Ewers finds it amusing
  14. Someone in the comments says all 22 starters on the 2013 FSU team went to the NFL. That is fucking crazy considering just 1.6% of CFB players make an NFL roster.
  15. This was fantastic. As good as it could be IMO. There was nothing about it I did not like. Well, I take that back I don't like John Leguizamo and he's featured about as often as Santa. Wife normally does not finish movies like this with over the top violence but she liked this one.
  16. Not at all like Diablo. Single player only, party based, combat is turn based, not real time, and it's set in space.
  17. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/henry-cavill-warhammer-40000-amazon-1235283251/ Quit Witcher, shown the door as Superman...onto this. Lot of potential here.
  18. https://roguetrader.owlcat.games Game is still probably a year away but they have an EA going on as of a week or so ago. Price of entry for EA is fairly steep at $99. It's an isometric CRPG set in the WH40K universe using, I think the Rogue Trader table top lore/rules/whatever, with turn based combat. I am not a Warhammer dude, but I have played some of the dozens of WH/WH40K video games. This studio has a couple of great titles under their belt. Two Pathfinder CRPGs, Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, the latter being one of the best isometric CRPGs of all time.
  19. This bitch is revered on the Reddit Longhorn sub because of course he is. I stopped reading his shit years ago. He is at least as bad as Wescunt.
  20. It's not at all unfathomable how he hasn't been fired. We live in a world where people routinely stage shit to appear as victims for all sorts of reasons. Not just scorned lovers, but internet famous twats, actors and athletes. Being arrested and words on a piece of paper are hardly irrefutable evidence of anything. People get arrested for bullshit all the time and the arrest report I read has a bunch of vague terms that don't preclude this from being staged/set up/self inflicted. I posted up thread but what are the chances someone commits, and gets caught in the act, their first DV at age 49? Seems pretty fucking low to me. Woman beating seems like a trait that comes out early. Possible? Sure. But how much more likely is it than this chick flipped out on him, called the cops, got him arrested for BS? All of the injuries listed on the arrest affidavit could trivially be self inflicted. Hard to fake a bite on the neck or ass. Arm though? Come on. Scratches, bruises, cuts? I routinely have scratches, bruises and cuts from just living my life. If he did this? Fire his ass, absolutely. But it's not at all clear to me he is guilty based on what has been made public. FWIW, I have a BSC ex-wife who called the cops on me twice during our divorce for completely made up bullshit.
  21. Setting aside the specific allegations in this case, what are the chances a guy commits his first DV at age 49?
  22. Too casual to know about the rivalry until reading this thread. Makes sense though.
  23. I think he could go top 5. It's not like that never happens or has not happened recently. I would be shocked if he drops into the back half of the first round.
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