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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hozz

  1. Black guys hate magic tricks? No shit, who doesn't? Next you're gonna tell me they all like fried chicken too...duh motherfucker! Again who doesn't? Seriously I didn't know black duds like CW didn't like magic but I will say when watching that Oz Gameday segment the first thought that popped into my head was that he looked like a GameStop employee who smoked a ton of weed.
  2. Have you motherfuckers not seen anything from Shane Gillis? He does a great Trump and has a number of hilarious sets and clips where he's doing it. It's a thing for him. McAfee said some people think he's the actual President Trump. He didn't say Trump was the actual President. Also...the Jesus signs aren't new. They've been on Gameday...forever? They are WAY more noticeable in some places, I didn't think aggy had a crazy amount of them but I'm kind of over the signs in general.
  3. https://texassneakers.com/nike-pegasus-41-texas-longhorns-week-zero-2024/ These are out today. The Nike app sold out of normal sizes almost immediately but lots of other places, including the The Co-op, had them. Very lazy update in the series, the last 3-4 years have basically been the same shoe but I buy them every year just the same.
  4. Hozz

    Space Marine 2

    So full disclosure it's not my genre either but I do love 40K and the game looks great, I will give it a go. I'm also not a Star Wars beyond enjoying the first three as a kid/teen. I read all sorts of shit about Disney pissing off fans though. As for the IP, Warhammer is getting pretty big. You could read a 40K book once a month and go 50 years with lots of books left. There are also more and more video games (and really there have always been a lot of Warhammer video games, the list is somewhat shocking actually), including truly great ones across multiple genres like Rogue Trader (classic turn-based CRPG), Chaos Gate Daemonhunters (XCOM2-like), Gladius (4X), Battlesector (table top-ish skirmish/campaign game) and Mechanics (TBS that sold well enough to get a sequel). And those are just the ones I own and would recommend, like I said the list of Warhammer video games is crazy long. Finally, Henry Cavil doing that 40K show for Prime is going to be what pushes it over the top. I've heard that could fall through but I think there's too much at stake for the IP to let that happen, we'll see.
  5. This is shaping up to be a huge game. 3rd person shooter with a single player campaign and then a lot of pve/pvp/co-op game modes to provide a lot of staying power. Lots of DLC but cosmetics only. I think its releasing for PC and current and last gen consoles all at once. I think it's going to do a lot to bring Warhammer 40K more into the popular culture. Especially with Disney shitting the bed with legacy Star Wars fans, lots of fertile nerd minds ripe for take over.
  6. I am pretty sure I will always take in Gameday. Great Saturday morning tradition that I won't let go of. That said, Big Noon has been the better show since its inception. It's just a better show. Gameday got worse when they went to three hours and keeping a lazy moron like Howard on the show is inexcusable and unforgivable. It's fairly easy to start watching Gameday around 45-60 minutes after it starts and then be able to shoot back and forth between the two shows skipping everything you don't want to see and finish both right around kick off. At first I didn't like the Gameday Anthem pick just because I am not a Jelly Roll fan but watching the 2 minute promo set to the song...it's pretty good. Better than I would have expected given Disney/ESPNs ability to fuck up simple things.
  7. https://506sports.com/ncaaf.php lsu site is great but armed with this site's conveniently presented knowledge you can go seasons without having to hear a single syllable from Mowins.
  8. This movie is so fucking terrible. My wife wanted to watch it and I agreed for some reason. Holy shit. Cena can be ok in small doses and I even liked Ricky Stanicky a lot, in fact. But the female lead is so terrible here, she destroys every scene and she's in almost every scene. She's like someone they grabbed at the mall. Unfunny, wooden, just completely doing the wrong thing in life. Do not watch this.
  9. lol the idea of this...and they got semi-famous people to agree to it? What the hell is going on? There is too much money in the world, we are headed for a brutal contraction at some point.
  10. RIP my fantasy team. Grabbed Bijan in the first round last year and while it was not a disaster, could have gone better for me.
  11. I guess that is why Luke got eaten, name too normal.
  12. It's inevitable to compare it to GoT. It's no where near as good as the best of GoT but, also, so far at least, no where near as bad as the legacy annihilating worst of GoT. I really did not enjoy the first season. My expectations were high because of its pedigree, despite the dogshit S8 of GoT. S1 was slow, the character names are foreign to the American ear and too similar to each other, the casting is bad and every character has like 2 actors because of the time frame the show encompasses. It's like it was designed to confuse all but the faggiest of book fags. S2 is a lot better so far. It's by no means great but it's not something to laugh at like some of the more recent fantasy adaptations (Rings, WoT, Witcher, etc.).
  13. I thought the scene with Daemon and the castellan was great. Definitely a better season than the first. The casting could use some work though. Too many of the knights look like skinny nerds. I don't recall GoT being this way.
  14. I am in favor of anything that results in less streaming platforms at this point.
  15. I've never played any mobile game beyond helping my wife with some of those word ones. I recently discovered Tacticus (IOS and Android) though and I am hooked, in a bad way. It is (to me) shockingly deep for a technically free to play game. It is a Warhammer 40K game, I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. Turn based tactics game where you collect different characters from various 40K factions and level/gear them and fight shit with them. Virtually all of it instanced PVE content you can consume at your own pace (including guild raids/wars). There is a live PVP component that rolls around every month or so for a few days.
  16. Hozz

    Dragon Age

    As someone who played the first one, and all of them at release, this looks like a game no Dragon Age fan was asking for. I don't think it will do well. It looks expensive and I don't think they are making the game their target audience wants to buy.
  17. I never understood how MoviePass was going to make money long term. I still don't after watching the doc. Pretty decent watch though, I'd recommend it to anyone on a thread like this.
  18. PC port releases today. "Director's Cut'...not sure what is different from the PS version.
  19. There have been two DLCs since the game released almost two years ago. The first one was not well received. It makes the game notably more difficult and restricts the better of the two new units to only certain missions. The second DLC was a lot better. It features 4 new Assassin units from WH40K lore and they are all very different, and fun to play. I think these might be on sale now, on Steam. The game was also recently ported to consoles finally, curiously absent the two DLCs.
  20. HDR is awesome when it's done right. I think it adds way more to the viewing experience than 4k over 1080p does.
  21. Hozz

    UFL 2024

    Yeah I don't think any of these Spring leagues will see success until they figure out a way to tweak the rules to allow scoring with bad QB play. Because the QBs are always going to be bad. San Antonio does a good job of supporting these teams relative to the other cities, they play today at 11 central at the Alamodome.
  22. I thought the first season was extremely slow paced and overall not very well done. The timelines and cast changes on top of the weird stupidly similar names just made it a slog. I'll be watching the second season but I don't expect much better.
  23. I thought this would suck and be something I watched just to humor my wife. I ended up enjoying it immediately. It was a fun watch.
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