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Everything posted by castolon

  1. I have a low level obsession with the mucky duck in Ames.
  2. I don’t know why the hell you were up there but I know that area well. https://www.roadsideamerica.com That will be your friend if you like stuff like that
  3. The Venn diagram of places with walleye and chislic is not a big one
  4. This week has been just absurd across the board in every matchup.
  5. I’ll just join you in the standings down there.
  6. You sent that offer last night and I was wondering what he had been up to since I traded him. “God damn it”
  7. The derka hg lineup is going to be stacked
  8. Also I’ll just say that trading acuña for those guys might make me the victim of the hype machine but fuck it, they’re fun.
  9. I probably would have accepted that arozarena deal yesterday if I would have gotten there fast enough. I’m sure you’re happier the way it worked out after last night’s news.
  10. Even you can work your way through that question. It might take the power of an Amazon chain
  11. OK, we lost a game yesterday. If we lose today, it's called "two in a row". And if we lose again tomorrow, it's called a "losing streak"... It has happened before! May 5th is the last time this team lost 2 in a row. Ridiculous
  12. Owen had himself a shit ton of walks in that Arkansas series too.
  13. Tep and Jeff Wilson have been all over something being different with leiter other than just results. I’ve been around long enough to have no hope but whatever yay exciting things
  14. They gonna chain his ass to a treadmill and make him eat some salad down there or what?
  15. Tech tags out two gators at home in the same play. I can’t say I’ve seen that before
  16. Not me just snatching defeat from the jaws of victory again
  17. 7.5 points lost in a day is probably some kind of record so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice
  18. You mean you don’t feel qualified to fight a refinery fire after doing 45 minute drills on props in college station where half the guys you work with get shit faced every night? Yeah, me neither. And if you think the big boys are bad, which many are, let me tell you about farmers that decided they wanted to run ethanol plants.
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