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Everything posted by castolon

  1. I still refuse to accept that Nathaniel Lowe is good at baseball.
  2. Even the best and brightest at Hudson high are a trip in their own right. Stories for days.
  3. I love that damn place. Been over-served there many times.
  4. My team has folded like a screen door in a hurricane the last few weeks with no hope in sight so the derka essay will likely have to wait.
  5. Primrose in Corning is way better than it had any right to be.
  6. Little known amongst the ignorant
  7. Smack shack and Modist. I need nothing else in life really
  8. Lol. Good luck. Sweet ride though.
  9. I fortunately/unfortunately spend a fair amount of time in rural ND, SD, MN, IA, NE, KS and MO. Missouri is like no place on earth and praise Jobu for that. One state is enough.
  10. Look if my option is post apocalyptic wasteland or hearne, I’m all in on the wasteland.
  11. Fantasy is more fucked than usual this year with the ball fuckery and whatever else is going on.
  12. Maybe, but there’s worse in Iowa and you know it. Plus Marto drags that dump up about 30 points.
  13. The Apple TV broadcast is absolutely brutal. Constant babbling
  14. Got there at 11 last saturday. Had food about 1150. Plenty of everything on a perfect weather day.
  15. And when they play Fayetteville, the scoreboard says woodies vs peckers
  16. Who do I need to send my email to? Haven’t gotten an invite
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