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Larry T. Spider

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Larry T. Spider last won the day on December 26 2019

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  1. It’s not an option for my wife, but it might be for me. I need to see if my company’s plan allows it. This will be the first year that it’s mattered.
  2. I made a similar post a while back but have some more concrete numbers to work with now that my wife got a raise. We are early 40s DINKs that have a household income about 3.5x higher than 5 years ago but basically the same expenses. This is leaving us with about 5k a month to figure out how to invest. This is after tax advantaged accounts maxed, a healthy emergency fund, and enough to pay for the next car in cash. I also have 15 years paid into TRS, which will pay me about 2k/month when I’m in my late 60s. These are the options I see but would love others opinions: 1. Brokerage account - dollar cost averaging. Don’t have much in this account because we weren’t making enough to fund anything beyond retirement accounts until very recently. I was a poor teacher for 10 years and my wife wasn’t making much. 2. Pay extra towards current rental property. Owe 130k at 7%. Somewhat recent purchase. House pays for itself plus a little currently. 3. Save for another rental. Currently have about 35k put away for that. 4. Pay extra on our own mortgage. Owe 130k at around 3%. House is probably worth 600k. 5. Hookers and blow. Additional info. I’m in sales and get a few commission checks a year. Anywhere from 10k to 100k, but usually on the lower end of that range. Need to start planning for that as well.
  3. Truth. I have been hearing about more people moving there but hadn’t seen data supporting it as a trend until now. Great bang for your buck if you can deal with the cold. I personally love Chi.
  4. And now the PE douchebags that own my company will have to pay more. The circle of (business) life.
  5. I fly a lot for work but it’s split between so many airlines I don’t have much status on any one carrier. I go to a lot of random places across the country and usually don’t have a ton of options. However, I almost always went with SWA when going to a conference and needed to check two bags. Guess it doesn’t matter now. Don’t really care about a free Diet Coke but noticed the last 4 flights I had been on they cancelled drink service for “turbulence”. Pretty sure the PE guys figured out another way to save money.
  6. I personally liked Madrid better than Barcelona. Better interactions with the locals and I loved wandering through the narrow streets. We stayed in La Latina and would hit up a local tapas place or bar each day. The people were amazingly friendly even if they didn’t speak much English. The touristy areas of Barcelona were fun but it was pretty obvious that outsiders weren’t welcome in many of the neighborhoods. Not blaming the locals, just lessened the experience for me. For hanging out at the beach and eating paella, we preferred Valencia. Some beautiful architecture there as well.
  7. Didn’t expect the murder to happen 200 yards from me…..
  8. I have murdered 9 beers so far today at the baseball game. Guilty as charged.
  9. 0% chance we make it through the weekend without a murder now
  10. Hope everyone is off to a good start to the year. My fiscal year goes 9/1 to 8/31 so I’m about half way through the year. Now is prime buying time because we are dealing with school districts setting things up for the fall. New business quota is 4 million. 850k closed deal for 1-2 million right at the finish line, just finalizing size. deal for 3.8 million is also at the finish line but it’s split with another rep. deal for 800k isn’t as close as the others but more likely than not. I would say 65%. deal for 800k that I put at 30% chance. Something new will jump in the pipeline before it’s all said and done. I met with 18 superintendents last week that aren’t included in the above. I’m calling 5 million but think there’s a decent chance it’s higher.
  11. If you ask 100 people you will get 100 different answers in terms of what percentage should be in bonds by age. I have a pretty high risk tolerance so I’m not planning on having any bonds 10 years out from retirement. Other people seem to think 20% is appropriate for your age.
  12. FBALX is 34% bonds. Depending on your age and risk tolerance, that could be too high.
  13. I’ve always done my taxes on TurboTax because they are so uncomplicated. Takes about 15 minutes. But I bought a rental last year. This is going to suck, isn’t it?
  14. Some thoughts on why I would keep it. 1. I’m building a rental portfolio and acquired my first property about 5 months ago. Hopefully this would be around my 5th rental by the time I move. Goal is to have them all cash flowing well by the time I retire in 20 years. This house would easily cash flow today and should be great in 20 years. 2. I’m at a place in the amortization schedule that each payment is making a good dent in the principle. Seems silly to pay 20 years of mostly interest to sell it when you (or a renter) is taking out bigger chunks each month. 3. It’s in a nice area that will be easy to get good renters that stay for years and don’t trash the place. There’s always risk with tenants but this is about as good as you can do. There’s house is well built, 4 side masonry, and I know how all the major expense items have been handled well. Shouldn’t be too many surprises. 4. I’ve got a low interest rate locked in. 5. No guarantees for the future but it’s been appreciating nicely. Even a 4% average increase moving forward adds 25k of on paper value each year. At some point in my life, the house should be worth over a million dollars and paid off. Nice little insurance policy in old age.
  15. At some point in the future, I may want to move into a nicer house/better location, although we are happy where we are. House is probably worth about 700k and I owe 135k at a low interest rate. If I eventually want to keep the current house as a rental, how would you go about saving for the new house? Would probably want a fat down payment to keep the monthly payment down. I’m thinking about just doing a taxable brokerage account because I want to shoot for decent returns in the event we stay put. I would hate to eventually end up with 200k in a high yield savings account, decide not to move, and have regrets about not getting a better return all those years. Any other ideas?
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