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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. I’m intrigued by the Lexington idea still. Fits the size parameter, has a university, and there is a bit of the cool factor. Lexington obviously doesn’t have an Austin vibe but I can see bourbon country, horse racing, and other unique features setting it apart from other southern towns where there isn’t much to do. Might need some marketing but it could work. It’s also been growing every decade. Go back and look at Austin growth decade by decade over the last 100 years and you will see that it’s not a new phenomenon. Since 1790 Lexington has seen double digit growth in every decade except one and it was 7.8%
  2. BIL moved to New Orleans for a job. Lasted a year and moved back to Houston. It’s such a great city and a cultural treasure. But living there just seemed like a beating.
  3. Still under 200k in the city proper so I would say Knoxville counts.
  4. Just takes a few artists and gays and the hood people will be priced out in 10 years.
  5. Lexington is an interesting suggestion. What about Louisville?
  6. Plan childcare for next week. Should be back to “normal” after that. Lots of damaged buildings, water issues, etc.
  7. Would say Nashville doesn’t count and I could have titled the thread “the next Austin/Nashville”. Salt Lake City is already there too. Huntsville is an interesting choice. Population is 200k city and 450k metro. It’s in the south so it’s better weather but you have to eventually convince coastal people to move to Alabama. Austin had the cool factor to pull it off that a lot of other southern cities don’t have. San Antonio is too big to count for my original question, but I could see them continuing to grow and maybe even pick up the pace. Cost of living is still low and may parts of the city are getting nicer. Austin housing prices are getting crazy so I’m thinking some transplants might opt for San Antonio.
  8. Most of us are snowed in and bored so I’m hoping this can provide a little diversion. Which city will be the next Austin in terms of growth? For a little perspective, Austin had 345,000 people in 1980. We are now basically at a million. The metro area is now at 2.2 million. But growth isn’t just about people, there has been a mass migration of tech companies and just money in general. Real estate prices aren’t in the same stratosphere as even 20 years ago. We haven’t attracted a major sports franchise, although I think MLS will eventually be a really big deal. But that’s another thing that could be factored in. So, who are the top candidates and why? I’m not talking about a city with 200k that can go to 400k. I’m talking about turning into a major city with tall buildings, major companies, pro sports, etc.
  9. Boom. Had rush last year and thought it was a lock. Re-uped this year and he came through. Adios mofo.
  10. I’m trying to keep them from burying money in the back yard because “Biden is going to take all their money away and give it to BLM”. Something they can hold onto without ruining the inheritance is all I’m looking for.
  11. I’ll look into it more but which would you go with if you were 65 and just wanted to protect against inflation with the fed going brrr all the time? 99% chance they would never use it and would just pass it on. Most major online dealers are reputable I assume? Not saying I think this is what they should do, just want them do go about it the best way possible if that’s what they decide to do.
  12. My parents live in Austin and are interested in buying physical gold. I’m sure we could debate whether or not that’s a smart idea. But if they were going to do it, what would be the best way of going about it?
  13. We are done for the week. Too many people without power to even do virtual. Tried to meet with my grade levels today and only about half could get on. What a shit year.
  14. The only thing in town with money was the school district. Had a charter bus instead of the old yellow dog before that was a thing anywhere else. A lot of my family went to school there in the 40s before it was like that. Not sure I have any living relatives still there. My grandmother might be the last of the group that grew up there and she’s 87.
  15. My family was a good % of that town’s population back in the day. Only a few still alive. Used to hang around there some in the summer when I was a kid.
  16. We are shocked and saddened by the passing of national baseball reporter Pedro Gomez. He was 58.
  17. It’s pretty amazing that I have dealt with thousands of kids that age over the years and never had to cuff anybody or pepper spray anybody. Some of them have been crazy as hell and ended up in institutions. We have had to physically contain some due to really unsafe behavior that endangered themselves or others. But, never has anything remotely close to this has ever been necessary. It’s ridiculous.
  18. For the love of God can we just be back to normal by late August? Parents, students and educators can’t deal with this for another year.
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