I worked for a different district that was going through severe budget cuts after the 2011 legislative session and everything was on the table for cuts. We were able to find some stuff at the central office level but it was much harder than we initially expected.
We all wanted less administrative staff that isn’t tied to a campus as it would mean more money for other district functions. But, there is an unfunded mandate with ridiculous reporting requirements for everything under the sun. The regulations are so specific and ever-changing that you need a person that just deals with that area or your district is going to get hammered. Some of it is federal and some is TEA.
There are complicated regulations, reporting requirements, parent support, and staff training provided for special education, section 504, esl/bilingual programs, state assessments (telpas and staar), McKinney-Vento act, advanced academics (GT), and on and on.
The above list doesn’t take into account the people that manage basic functions such as facilities, food service, finances, academic departments, HR, transportation, technology, textbooks, the warehouse, legal department and a million other things.