According to the email, it's up to individual principals on how to handle the staff. If they're going to teleteaching then they'll do training to let all teachers know how to handle it. Not sure how my wife is supposed to teach pre-k special education over a computer. Hopefully she doesn't have to go in for any training considering they often do online training. She has three ARDs scheduled for the 24th and she's trying to figure out whether they are still going to do them then. I told her they could all do in a teleconferencing call. She's not sure how that would work since everyone involved has to be audibly recorded for the records.
I’m a elementary campus administrator in AISD. They have basically told us to stay tuned for more direction. While the email said that teachers will receive direct communication from their principal, campus administrators are still waiting for direction from the district. Principals are under the impression that they will be receiving specific instructions from the district, not making their own plan. They will likely be used to train staff on the district plan, communicate with parents, and figure out logistics, especially at title 1 schools.