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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. It’s almost like all his coaching is to act like he’s not going to die in the next 5 years.
  2. Leeeeeeeetss. geeeeeeet rrrrreeeeaaady to ruuuuuuumble! Gloves come off starting now
  3. I would typically agree, I just can’t figure out who it would be. It’s not going to be Biden. Harris is next up but she showed her ass after getting a bump after the first debate. Maybe she can overcome that but she seemed really inexperienced.
  4. I’m more out on Harris than any other candidate in this race. She seems like a snake and is a human weather vane when it comes to policy positions. Castro has grown on he and done better than expected.
  5. 1. Midwestern ties. 2. Setting Pete up to be the next president with experience, his current biggest drawback. 3. I get that two whites on the dem ticket isn’t great but we can show that we are a big tent with a woman and a gay. Both would be huge strides if they won. Remember, Obama was against gay marriage 10 years ago. 4. Warren is all policy all the time. Pete is articulate enough to get out there and explain the message in a way that people can understand. Beto would just seem like a weird hype guy in a rap video.
  6. I was going to type out almost exactly this. When Beto calls it quits, I’ll probably become a card carrying member of team Liz. I would love a Liz/Pete ticket that really focused on the Midwest. This election comes down to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and we can’t afford to lose any of them. It then sets Pete up with the experience to be president for 8 years. I want 12-16 years of a dem in the White House to remind the republicans to never pull this shit again.
  7. The republican gerrymandering this time around will be really interesting. They will match large rural areas with light blue suburban areas to maximize their number of seats. The problem is that those rural areas have a stagnant or declining population while the burbs are not only growing more blue, they are exploding in population. Their plan will work for the short term, which is likely all they care about. But, it’s goibg to be ugly when the blue burbs take over the rest of those districts and the pubs go down in flames.
  8. When I was at Westwood you could take all regular classes for your full four years, make a 100 on every assignment and not crack the top 10%. Too many kids making all As in the weighted AP classes.
  9. The AP thing depends a lot on the high school. I went to Westwood where it’s like an academic war zone. Extremely competitive.
  10. Not Travis county but this seems like the best place for this question. My wife successfully protested our property taxes in Wilco this year so she took a look at her parents house in a suburb of Houston. On their website you can drill down to individual features of the house and how they are valued for your taxes. The appraisal district added a pool to their features with an attached value of about 8k roughly 10 years ago. They have no pool and have never had one. They contacted the appraisal district who will take the pool off but not pay them anything back for the previous years stating that it’s up to you to check. Although this was sloppy by the appraisal district, I agree that there is probably no recourse at this point. Other people want me to look more into it. I was told there would be no math but it seems like it’s about $1,800 we are talking about over the 10 year period, which sucks but is nowhere near lawyer time. What says surly?
  11. I was on the list. Took about 2 mins to fill out the required info for the $125.
  12. It’s a large school with a few good programs with engineering being top 20. Much of the rest is a diploma mill that just makes money for the school. I haven’t seen the latest rankings but I hear meat judging is top 3.
  13. The growth of Texas with UT staying the same size has really helped a lot of schools. Txst is a vastly different school than I showed up to in the fall of 2003. The quality of student, degree offerings, and overall attitude towards the school from students is so much better. With more money coming in, the campus has been renovated and looks good. I’m guessing it is the same of a lot of schools that are in a similar position such as UTSA, UH, UNT, etc. Aggy is kind of the wild card in the mix. When I was graduating HS, they were determined to stay around the 45k mark on students and it was pretty difficult to be accepted. Later the attitude changed and they have become huge. If aggy wants to stay around their same size, Texas will continue to grow and the other schools will get some pretty good students coming their way. If aggy wants to grow more, get ready to live in a sea of maroon.
  14. I used to teach at a school where there was a family that scammed the school for free lunches for 5 kids. Quick math shows it was about $2,200 a year but that wasn’t my real problem with it. I felt bad for those kids going their entire school career eating a cheese sandwich everyday. I also felt bad for the cafeteria manager who got bitched at all the time for not being a good enough bill collector from her bosses. This was a contracted out company so they had a bottom line to meet. Everybody suffered except for the parent causing the mess.
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