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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. That was going to be my contribution. Absolutely terrible.
  2. Does that mean he’s winning on this thread?
  3. When I enrolled in good old Texas state in 2003 there were 22k students (I think). It has 39k now and is running out of room to grow at the same pace. My understanding is that Utsa, UH, and others have had a similar run over the last two decades. When these schools can’t or won’t grow anymore, their academic standards will become more stringent the same way UTs did. We are in a weird time of change where these schools can pick up a lot of the overflow but Texas will continue to grow and they will fill up. Aggy will end up with 90k students because their mission goes beyond academics. They want to have the biggest school, biggest alumni pool, biggest stadium, and 5 million maroon pickups in Texas to outnumber you brainiac tea sippers.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2019-01-09/study-older-people-are-more-susceptible-to-fake-news-more-likely-to-share-it%3fcontext=amp
  5. They have done studies that I’m to lazy to find that show it’s the olds. Their ability to detect BS in an online format is much lower than with people in their 20s.
  6. Nailed it. SE will be the next AISD HS. It’s growing rapidly and Akins is already full.
  7. Although the pay raise isn’t great, it would fix a decent amount of the recapture issues for AISD. This would likely allow for raises beyond what is being reported over time. Mileage will vary by district and their recapture situation, of course. Kenneth Adix, the CFO of RRISD, was on the news tonight. He was saying that this can fix a lot of their problems as well. This is the first time in my 12 years in education that I would walk away from a legislative session and feel like we came out better than we went in. I’ll take it.
  8. What if she just broke into his house and shot him then claimed she thought it was her house?
  9. Instead of asking “for ztejas” ask “which passenger are you looking for” or something similar. The driver will have to know your name vs just saying yes. Even if you aren’t concerned about your security it will help with the drivers that don’t speak English well and just say yes. When I drive (for uber) down certain streets like Rainey or the 7th street pick up area I have to keep my doors locked with all the fools trying to jump in. Learned my lesson when some chicks did that and I couldn’t get them out. They offered cash to take them somewhere but I declined for a couple of reasons. 1. No insurance in that situation. 2. No digital record of the trip and I don’t want to be accused of anything.
  10. I came here for the “my wife is spending so much I will never retire” posts. Disappointed.
  11. Haven’t you heard, sky bridges are racist.
  12. Beto wasn’t even in the race when people were asked who they would support if Biden dropped out. It’s logical to think that as time goes on and his name recognition goes up, he will pick up more of Biden’s vote. Beto isn’t picking up a lot of progressives but those people aren’t in Biden’s camp anyway.
  13. That data was collected mid February. I think Beto would pick up more of Biden’s vote now that his campaign is up and rolling. I see Warren’s people mostly going to Bernie no matter what Beto does.
  14. It’s weird to say that the guy leading in the polls won’t run but I don’t think he will. I think he knows his campaign would be doomed from the start and there’s too much baggage.
  15. Larry T. Spider


    Came here to post this.
  16. I think they do it so that any prior transgressions that would be immediately brought up after an announcement are already out of the way. For example, Biden can let this Hill stuff play out then announce later. The announcement is then the news, not the other stuff.
  17. Her family is like the villains in movies from my childhood. Worth 5.4 billion, have a 40 million dollar yacht, cut special Olympics because they had to make “tough decisions”.
  18. I’ll agree as well. I’m not sure what he offers other than name recognition, which will even out as the race goes on. He has high level experience but that seems to be an overrated quality (to voters) these days.
  19. I have no issue with betos four month break considering the insane amount of energy he expended in the senate race. I think he knew he wanted to run for president but that it would possibly be a two year slog with the same level of energy required. Taking a few months, resting, and contemplating things was well deserved. If poor and minority candidates don’t have that same opportunity, it’s not beto’s fault.
  20. Looks like I agree with BT on this take. It also is much easier for republican candidates to rally their base as they have many more common unifiers. Bringing a diverse party together will always be more difficult but there is so much potential, especially as America becomes more diverse.
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