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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. Talked with a few work friends that are all democrats this evening. We are all Beto supporters but I am spreading the word about mayor Pete as well. They were all very impressed with the videos they saw and will look more into him. This guy just needs to keep at it and get his exposure level up. If not for this election then the next.
  2. He said in living memory. Are you older than brat?
  3. America has faced tougher times. We have not faced tougher times as far as the electorate and how we treat each other. Trump is a symptom of a larger problem that Beto is trying to address.
  4. Clearly, but there is a way to go about a primary so that you don’t end up with a damaged candidate and a fractured party.
  5. You are such a fucking beating. Every tweet or article about Beto from a mainstream reporter gets inundated with Bernie bros talking shit. It’s not like this is a one time thing I found in a dark corner of the internet. We are (or should be) on the same team in trying to defeat trump.
  6. Mayor Pete is great and I’m glad he’s in the race. My dream scenario would be a Beto/Kamala ticket with Pete getting a high ranking position in the administration to launch his campaign with more name recognition and experience. If it looks like now is his time then I will happily support him.
  7. If I was talking about you, I would have used your name. Many Bernie supporters on the internet were claiming that almost all of betos money was coming from big donors, bundlers, his family, etc. This was bullshit and anybody with a brain knew it from the beginning. Now that the facts are out do the attacks stop? Of course not. Bernie bros are now claiming “fake news”. They are the lefts trumptards.
  8. The Bernie bros will not stop. They lack any self awareness. The ones on twitter “don’t believe the numbers”. Facts are as important to them as they are to trumpsters. Beto people are in for a rude awakening.
  9. Beto had 128,000 unique contributions in the first 24 hours. Average donation size was $47. Bernie bros attacks continue to fall flat.
  10. “Beto underperformed in rural/exurb and overperformed in urban/suburban.” It seems like a lot of that could be chalked up to increased polarization between rural and urban/suburban since 2004.
  11. Garner.....but I cheated with the googles
  12. It was intentional shit posting. As I said in another post, I’ll move on.
  13. The quality is good...if you can access it and afford it. I would give us mediocre (at best) marks for universality. Very poor for affordability.
  14. I know this is true and partially my fault but the attacks on Beto from the left are quite absurd and (mostly) disingenuous. It’s their guy or nobody. Ill try to get this back on track by actually talking about Beto. He’s in state college Pennsylvania this morning, which is a college town. We all agree that the upper Midwest could be trouble for him. Thoughts on a strategy of hitting a ton of college campuses in the next couple of months before the kids leave for the summer? Bernie has been strong with the college kids but Beto seems like the most likely candidate to pick some off.
  15. Well that would be better than now. We currently have one.
  16. You keep sucking off old white man bernie while he tells minorities what’s good for them.
  17. Very interesting to me that the farthest left of the Democratic Party wants a candidate to mansplain policies instead of listening to a diverse group of people that he actually meets with face to face. I go to a lot of trainings on cultural proficiency and the first thing that always gets brought up is the importance of listening. This is especially true if you are a white male.
  18. I do think it’s an interesting point about who will pick up supporters as people drop out. Won’t be that important for the first few rounds of the primaries but could get interesting after that.
  19. I don’t disagree with your plan, I just don’t know if it serves the biggest need. I’ve worked in a lot of poor schools. The kids were always able to get healthcare when they needed it. The parents had to go sit in an ER to get care if they were just above the cutoff for Medicaid. Obviously that’s about the least cost efficient way to treat a person with a cold. Your plan would certainly paint Republicans in a bad light when they go nuclear on it. But they would, and their supporters would cheer them on, and nothing would change. I know it sounds defeatist but I have watched them do the same to education funding, especially early childhood programs for over a decade now.
  20. Oh noez! He listens to people and hears what issues are important to them instead of just telling them what to think. What a jerk!
  21. lol owned Ok cool, hook em
  22. Medicare for all is very similar to what I would prefer. Everybody has health coverage no matter what. People or employers can add on additional coverage if they want. The money that goes to paying for health insurance now will cover most of the costs but it will be through taxes. I think it should be partly a corporate tax and partly an income tax. Right now, corporations are spending a metric shit ton on purchasing health insurance plans for their employees. This could be great for business even if their taxes go up some.
  23. Yeah, I use the same account for work so I don’t get into it with them. The comment I tweeted today was so harmless that I didn’t even think about somebody being pissed about it. They come across as insane in an aggy way.
  24. I made a polite twitter reply to a Texas reporter about Bernie’s shot at Beto probably having fewer donors than him. Didn’t think much of it and had over 100 notifications when I checked back in a few hours. Bernie bros seem really angry and ready to attack any supporter of another candidate. Not the ones on here, but many on twitter strike me as the type that will sit it out in the general when Bernie’s not the nominee. Also, twitter sucks.
  25. She was not going to be able to obtain health insurance prior to cobra expiring. That’s why we got married when we did. No insurance company would insure her unless they were forced into it by her employer - we called all of them and were laughed at. If the ACA had been around at the time it would have changed our situation drastically.
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