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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. I took ASL as a “foreign” language in college. My teacher was deaf and she taught us a lot about deaf culture. She had us go to events at TSD, including football games. Everything bolverk is saying is true. It’s a tight knit minority community that will absolutely raise hell if they aren’t on board with the move. I haven’t studied the issue at all but my gut reaction is that this is bullshit. The school existed for 94 years before the SBOE gained control in 1951. They survived the civil war making their own clothes and growing their own food at this location. To say the history runs deep would be an understatement.
  2. Reparations talk is a great way to get trump re-elected. Let’s focus on real shit that can actually happen like making sure every American has access to affordable healthcare, fixing our immigration policy, and ensuring that trump doesn’t have another 2 or 3 Supreme Court justices. Those issues are winners with just about everybody other than people that were never going to vote for a dem anyway.
  3. SXSW would be a great time to announce. When else can you have people from all over the country in one place that can go back and spread the hype? Tons of influencers (I hate that word) and people with money in town.
  4. I think my top 3 are Beto, buttigieg, and hickenlooper. Would also be ok with Biden. I guess my white male bias is showing.
  5. Shouldn’t be winning any awards but for the north Austin folks, riata bar and grill has good burgers.
  6. Seriously. There are 10+ dems in the race right now that I would gladly support. Some I might be somewhat disappointed by but would obviously still vote for them over trump.
  7. Like I said, your reading comprehension sucks. I’m not settling for shit. You added MOST in front of electable, which is not what I said. I have a really high standard in that I want a candidate who has similar policy ideals as me AND is electable. Electable is not some bad word that your are trying to make it out to be. It doesn’t have to mean establishment or vanilla. It’s a candidate can take their message to the people and sell them on their vision. Not every candidate with good ideas is ready to be the most important person in the world. Let’s take MJ Hegar. I think she’s a bad ass and agree with her on just about every policy. It doesn’t mean she should be my candidate for president. The party should have a bench deep enough where we can find solid liberals with enough experience to take on a national election.
  8. I’m not settling for shit. Your reading comprehension sucks.
  9. Trump is a symptom, not the problem. The problem is the number of completely regarded or selfish people we have in this country. The only solution is to repeatedly beat them at the ballot box with electable candidates. Basically the opposite of what we did last time.
  10. And what about all the previous cases where people went to jail or paid thousands based on a he said/she said? Juries believe cops in that situation.
  11. The lawyer and client taking it to trial instead of sending the tape to a DA to let the case die a quiet death makes them heroes in my book.
  12. Time to fix the system. For the record, the 200 mil referenced below for Houston isd is a drop in the bucket compared to AISD. They are much larger and pay 1/3 what we do. Go to work lege. What's happened over time is La Joya has benefited to the fullest extent of the 30-year-old formula. So much so, it has so much extra money, it can easily afford perks like the water park. Meanwhile, in other districts, like Houston, students enjoy no such luxury as teachers are laid off and campuses closed. How can the same system end in two such different results? "We place a band-aid here and a band-aid there when our school finance system is really due for a full gut rehab," Villarreal said.
  13. So let’s say this guy won 500 mil after taxes. If he parks that somewhere and pulls 4% out per year that would be 20 mil/yr. After taxes that would be roughly 12 mil. Thats a million a month or $33,000 a day for the rest of his life. And he never touches the 500 million. I would love to try to spend 33k a day....
  14. Front office staff, speech teacher, intervention teacher, reading specialists, instructional coach, we could go on and on.
  15. For an elementary campus, we have to pay for the following beyond the home room teacher: Buildings, electricity, water, books, other educational materials, busses, maintenance employees, campus administrators, district administration, custodians, teachers assistants, music teacher, art teacher, pe teacher, special education employees, counselor, diagnostician, etc.
  16. From AISD on recapture: AISD is considered a property-rich school district. In FY2018, approximately 55 percent of AISD revenue generated beyond the protected “golden pennies” (the first 6 cents per dollar that is generated above a district’s compressed tax rate) will be sent to the state for redistribution to property-poor school districts. It is estimated that nearly 51 percent of all local revenue collected from property taxes will be subject to recapture in FY2019. In FY2019, AISD anticipates the district will submit $669.6 million to the state in recapture funds. This amount is expected to increase by $115 million in FY2020, as a result of a projected increase in the district’s taxable property value and tax collection and the recalculation of the state funding formulas. From FY2002 to FY2019, AISD will have paid the state of Texas more than $3.7 billion in recapture payments.
  17. https://www.mansfieldisd.org/uploaded/main/departments/HR/assets/SalarySchedule_Teachers1819.pdf You have to teach 23 years in Austin isd before getting to a starting teacher salary in Mansfield. This is why I’m saying that fixing the school finance system is more important than the raise. The 5k raise should happen but not as a coverup for the major issues out there that need to be addressed. AISD is paying around 600 million into recapture this year. That is projected to grow to 700 million in the near future. Those teachers with that 5k raise might need electricity and running water to do their jobs...
  18. https://www.austinisd.org/sites/default/files/dept/hr/docs/2018-19 Teacher-Librarian Salary Schedule.pdf Here is the salary schedule. Year 16 is pretty sweet, you can finally crack 50k!
  19. I will agree that teacher quality matters more than class size. My best teacher would be better with 30 than my worst with half of that. However, we aren’t typically talking about either end of the spectrum. Your average teacher is going to do better with fewer students, especially at the elementary level. They are going to be able to pull more small groups for more individualized instruction, deal with fewer behaviors, and maybe just keep their sanity a little longer. We need to take a long look at job quality for teachers and what we are asking of them. The pay sucks and we lose a lot due to that. However, quality of life is listed more often as a reason for leaving. We lose 50% of our teachers in their first 5 years of service. I know people want to act like it’s a sweet gig and you get 5 months off a year and just babysit for the other 7. So why is the retention rate so low for this dream job?
  20. Depending on the situation, the school may not be able to do anything about it. I think it is insanity but the laws are written in a way that will always favor the special education student over the teacher. I would much rather be able to handle the situation as an administrator rather than get the police involved to get a kid to the right environment. https://www.parentcenterhub.org/manifestation/
  21. The problem isn’t the will to have these special ed kids go to a more appropriate setting. Administrators want that as we are usually the one cleaning up the mess. The problem is the parents fighting it, taking it to a manifestation determination hearing, and the kid getting sent back to us after hours of work on the deal.
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