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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. I will just put it this way. I do not have any trouble getting rid of the bad teachers. Many of them may end up somewhere else because they resign and do not have their contract non-renewed. The main reason I can do this is because of my campus has very few serious behavior problems. This gives me enough time to devote to the issue. Certification matters to a certain extent but every kid coming out of college now has an ESL certification. It is more of a job requirement than a bonus. The one certification that will get you a job faster than anything else is bilingual. If you are bilingual and special education certified schools will be begging for you.
  2. The Fleming’s at the domain is much better than DT.
  3. That can happen for sure. I’m an elementary admin so it’s a little different.
  4. Very hard to get special ed kids out. Tons of laws protecting them. Can only be away from services for a max of 10 days per year. Also, if their behavior was a result of their disability, they can’t be sent to an alternative school in most cases. If it’s a learning disability, it’s easy. If the kid has an emotionally disturbed label....good luck.
  5. Nordic and Asian school systems are so vastly different than ours, it’s hard to make comparisons. We take all comers and don’t have tracking systems where people are put on a non-degree earning path very early. We should (and are) increasing vocational tracks to some extent but that is a completely separate conversation. Bad teachers in Texas can be fired. It can be a pain and it can cost the principal some political capital but it can be done. Most will resign rather than potentially having a non-renewal on their record. The main problem is the amount of BS administration has to deal with that doesn’t involve teacher quality. I agree on instructional coaches. My campus doesn’t have one and it would help teacher development, especially for the young ones.
  6. Yeah but Rush said there are some lazy teachers that can’t be fired and government schools are indoctrination camps.
  7. Raises would be great but I’m much more interested in a better school finance system than is sustainable for the long term with our population growth.
  8. Robin Hood. Austin is paying in roughly 600 million a year causing budget cuts and depressed teacher salaries compared to other cities. We are cutting 30 million this year. It’s possible that the legislature will re-do education finance this year, which could greatly benefit AISD and surrounding districts.
  9. It’s about 20%, not factoring in Austin has a higher cost of living. After 10 years in Austin isd a teacher makes 48,900. In Allen the same teacher would make 57,700.
  10. I’ve never cared much about the generation battles. I think mostly because I’m technically a millennial (1983) but identify more with gen x. Many of my friends that are the same age feel the same way. We didn’t have internet until high school or phones until college. Main difference is that our “coming of age” was more in the 90s than the 80s. I know they have created a sub group for us but it doesn’t make the tribalism any more fun.
  11. I think people understand what I meant but just want to clarify that I was talking about Beto on the presidential ticket. A more polarizing figure could be bad for down ballot Texas races. Beto somewhere on the presidential ticket against trump and sema against Cornyn would be really interesting.
  12. First, I completely appreciate your approach with local politics, especially in Texas. There are so many national benefits to Texas being at least purple. I’m 36 and love that in my lifetime I will be part of a huge shift. IMO the cornyn seat is going to be really tough for the dems. He is pretty vanilla and people won’t line up to vote against him like Cruz. One possible advantage is people showing up to vote against trump and just going down the line for Dems. A dem candidate that is palatable to Texans could really help this race (hi Beto). I personally love MJ and live in the district she was shooting for. She is one of two candidates I have ever give money to. I do worry that she is a bit green for a statewide election against a long term incumbent. She would absolutely get my support though. Castro or Hernandez would be solid picks as well. Hernandez took it to Beto in many parts of the state, including the RGV and should not be underestimated. Wendy should raise money behind the scenes but that’s it.
  13. Betos about to fire up the ole act blue and make a trillion dollars....$5 at a time.
  14. If you want to go to another mission, Mission San Jose is cool.
  15. I would have moved teachers around just to make sure your kid had a male teacher every year. They clearly need a positive male role model in their lives. Somebody not bigoted and psychotic.
  16. As an administrator, I have a few more hoops to jump through than that but it is very possible if you have the time to deal with it.
  17. Your wife is amazing and people need to understand that while she may be above avereage, people like her are more the norm than the bad teachers out there.
  18. It almost never goes that far. Here is a decent breakdown although more districts are offering longer contracts now. https://tsta.org/for-members/legal-information/information-for-teachers/rights-under-types-contracts Edit to add: getting your contract not renewed is basically the end of your career. It’s on the first page of every districts application process and will very likely bar you from employment. It’s not something taken lightly.
  19. 1. We need more positive male role models in education. 2. I know you are a troll but these attitudes are what keep men out of the profession. I mean who doesn’t want to be assumed to be a pedophile for 45k a year?
  20. Teachers enter the profession on a probationary contract that is easy to terminate. Once they have a term contract, it’s possible to fire them but harder assuming they are not doing anything illegal. They have protections that require a lot of documentation for that to happen. They can also appeal it to the school board. I have gotten rid of a few bad apples with term contracts but most just resign.
  21. So I should have been psychologically profiled for being a man in education? At this point I’m sure you are a troll or don’t live in the real world with the rest of us.
  22. Are you insinuating that I am a pedophile by making the catholic connection?
  23. I taught in that range for 10 years. The school I work at now has male teachers in those grades.
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