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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. If their competitors open up then they will realistically have to as well. The theory goes that they will sell a set amount of booze in a week. Doing it over 6 days is easier and more profitable than 7. Same with car dealers. I say fuck the nanny state and let them compete.
  2. I grew up going to beavers bend in OK. Great place but the wait to get one cabin is a year for busier seasons. Might be tough to get 5-10. Plenty to do for families though.
  3. Assuming you are the hospital on 620, let me know if you need anything. I live in the hood behind there. Damn near walking distance. I can sneak you booze and bbq.
  4. I’m pretty sensitive to issues surrounding economic and opportunity inequality. However, blaming one restaurant for operating within the current system doesn’t really address any of the underlying issues. It’s intellectually lazy. Let’s talk about why minorities are being forced out of the east side in favor of white people than can pay more. It’s an education gap that is followed by and income gap. We can work on ways to fix this but it’s not going to be about one restaurant taking over a tire shop. It’s going to be about pk-12 education supports and affordable options for college.
  5. Some of my boomer teachers are good at their jobs and still find ways to connect with kids. But I could hide a million dollars in our google drive that I shared with them at the beginning of the year and they would never find it. Maybe 25% could with extremely step by step directions.
  6. Yeah, but do they mind if you get handsy?
  7. The shirt says draught horse pub. I only know of drought house. What was the one mentioned?
  8. I’ll answer my own question. Cool setup and great outdoor area for when the weather is nice. Beer is very average.
  9. Rentsch up in Georgetown make anything good? Going to check it out for the first time.
  10. Just a hero that wanted to make it home safely to his family. Back the blue!
  11. If you are a northerner like me, hoody’s in round rock is great. My favorite cheesesteak in Austin. Line out the door around lunch time.
  12. Although the plan has major flaws and y’all are correct about better teachers moving to better schools, the formula does pay more for low income kids meeting their arbitrary standard than other kids. Theoretically you could end up with a shit load of money if your poor kids do well. Hmm, nobody would ever cheat, right?
  13. I’m fine with this formula, but as was stated, get ready for a lot of test prep. I do think the idea is based on a false premise though. It basically assumes that teachers aren’t already doing all they can to prepare students and that if money was tied to the test they would be more motivated. I see teachers that a very stressed about how their students will perform on the test and do all they can to help despite many obstacles. There are exceptions but overall teachers are very motivated to have their students do well, often to the detriment of skills that many of us would consider more important. The reason that I said I was ok with it is because the current funding system is such a scam. I should not have teachers in Austin isd with 10 years of experience and a masters degree making less than 50k while schools in poor districts have a water park.
  14. Exactly. My great aunt was a bus driver for a small town a little more than an hour outside of Abilene. She said sometimes stops were 5 miles apart.
  15. In rural areas the bus stops at each individual house.
  16. Was definitely confused about why they would hide in the tub just because somebody drove up the driveway. I have never lived in a rural area though.
  17. Or the illegal labor on his farm that was documented in a great article posted here a while back. I wonder what his Texags handle is?
  18. Dotard was dotard. Pure fear mongering. Pelosi looked so ridiculous that I didn’t hear what she said. Chuck did a good job.
  19. That was a weird 15 minute rant about random cases involving illegal immigrants. Strange.
  20. It would be a pretty solid troll to pass these out then post the info of the people that filled it out on the internet. I would add a space for Texags handle.
  21. It has about 10 billion(?) in it now. How much do we realistically need?
  22. Agree on all of that. 12 schools are on the aisd list. The district would have done it long ago but it’s a political nightmare. The budget is bad enough now that it’s worth the fight.
  23. 1. As an AISD employee, this is a huge need. The system is broken with us paying almost 700 million a year to the state while teachers with 10 years and a masters degree still make less than 50k. New out of college teachers in other Texas cities are starting off making more. 2. The legislature is still full of clowns and I have no faith that they will fix the problem with a solution that doesn’t involve teaching that Jesus punched trans people while riding a dinosaur.
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