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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. My strategy is to look at the pics and menu and judge if a place is worth a shot. What your average yelper thinks of a place is worthless to me.
  2. The bar below Buenos Aires is pimp
  3. How would these people be held accountable for this fraud? The dullards vote for them, they appoint people that oversee the public systems such as elections, they appoint the judges, etc. Judges that aren’t appointed are elected by the same dullards. Maybe the feds should step in. Wait. The guy running the country was elected by the same dullards. They’re gummin up the works.
  4. It’s easy when your base is a bunch of drooling, Fox News obsessed, geriatrics that will vote R no matter what.
  5. “Researchers dug into the world of anti-vaccination people — better known as anti-vaxxers — by looking at data from six of the largest, public anti-vaxxer pages on Facebook. By analyzing two years' worth of data from these pages, the researchers determined that these communities are extremely active, negative in tone and primarily female.” Im not sayin, I’m just sayin.
  6. It’s over as the burbs will continue to go more blue. Republicans got in bed with the anti-intellectual redneck crowd and had a great 30 year run. Terrible idea for the long game and now the chickens are coming home to roost. The message played well with white people that are now 50+ and being replaced with people that are more diverse, aren’t terrified of minorities, and don’t have the same perverse version of patriotism that the current Texas Republicans espouse. The Texas burbs that are growing quickly will turbo fuck the gerrymandering that was built around them staying red. The state legislature already saw major changes in the last election led by the Dallas burbs. They will also blow the electoral college up on the national level as the state becomes more urbanized. It’s a great time to be a Williamson county democrat. My vote has gone from being virtually worthless to being on the edge of the fight. My state rep is a pro-education democrat. Zork and Swam can watch with horror as the dan patricks and sid Millers no longer have a place in the leadership of Texas. The rest of us will be better off.
  7. Yeah but he would never make fun of a decorated war veteran who was injured by the enemy.
  8. It was a 60th birthday. I had booze, Mexican food, and the game on tv, basic necessities were met for surviving that type of thing. Nevertheless, every party has a pooper...
  9. I hope you told him to fuck his own face Nope. I don’t engage Cruz voters/loony right wingers at all. Just do all I can to make sure they lose at the polls.
  10. I was at a party tonight and a Beto commercial came on tv. An old guy that’s pretty pissed at the world says “I wish somebody would shoot that guy”. I hope Beto wins because I’m 99% sure that guy wouldn’t survive election night.
  11. I’m pretty liberal and believe in much better social services than we currently provide. I work in public education and they system in Texas and most southern states is drastically underfunded in terms of keeping up with growth (varies somewhat by district). CPS is a giant abortion with caseloads so big they can’t do their jobs. We have very few mental health services. Heathcare is a joke if you don’t have insurance with people sitting in the ER getting care in the most expensive way possible. I’m not scared of browns and would have no problem working with and living around more Hispanic people. With all of that being said, it’s really hard to imagine what these underfunded systems would look like with a large influx of poor people. I’m afraid that we would get the people but continue to fund services and bad or even worse levels. Look at the current leadership running the state of Texas. I’ll be the first to admit that I have no answers and really feel for these people that want a better life. The whole situation is shit.
  12. This is how we know you are a troll.
  13. Exactly. Pro-Israel has nothing to do with Israel. It’s just cover to be anti Muslim.
  14. Like the op, I think the Republican Party will need some rebranding. So many young people are so disgusted with the republicans that I’m not sure they will trend more republican as they age as much as in the past. I think the party will be trying to erase the stain of the trump era for at least a generation IF it ever regains sanity.
  15. Everybody needs to read the Republican response to this.
  16. Must have come up on fox and friends lately:
  17. This latest poll is 100% landline from what I’ve read. Is that accurate?
  18. I expect Beto to out perform polls due to GOTV efforts and having offices in every major neighborhood in Texas. It won’t overtake a 9 point deficit in the polls though. Beto has been amazing but it might be time to consider how far he’s willing to go in pointing out Teds deficiencies. And there are plenty.
  19. The pollsters goal for that demographic was 9%. Hopefully it will be even higher with Betos GOTV.
  20. I read up on why they don’t vote and it’s the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while. You are part of a religious group that was historically persecuted and you don’t think voting might be important to avoid that in the future?? You don’t think the groups being persecuted or banned from our country based on their religion might need somebody to stand up for them in the ballot box? These are the days of kiddie jails but we will just pray about it.....JFC.
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