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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. You aren’t alone. They had to call 11,360 people to get 200 responses so far in the Beto poll. I will say that they do as good of a job as they can with demographics, areas of the state, etc. I just wonder if the 11,160 that didn’t answer the phone see politics differently as a group than the ones that answer random numbers.
  2. The NYT live polls show the number of respondents for each age group and what their target is. I don’t know how they account for their sample being 100% people who are willing to pick up these phone and talk to a stranger. I’ve now looked at 8 of the live polls and all were won by the republican. Me thinks republicans are more willing to talk to strangers.
  3. I looked at 7 of those live polls and the Republican won all of them. They show you the demographics and everything seems right, but the overall results seem a bit off. Maybe republicans just pick up for random pollsters more often. Maybe it’s a red wave. Who the hell knows, just show up and vote.
  4. In kilgore’s post, why is it quoted as if I said that? It’s pacman’s content.
  5. Honest question. How closely have you followed this race? One is a campaign of ideas and positivity. The other is hateful lies to scare olds into voting. I can’t fathom viewing these two candidates as similar in any way.
  6. I love the insinuation that if you didn’t support kavanaugh you don’t cherish the constitution.
  7. Thank you for taking the time to write that and get involved with state level politics. I work in public ed and have great fears about this next session without Joe Straus there to keep the rabid conservatives in check. National politics are important and exciting but individuals that aren’t mega donors can make a big difference on the local level. Many people move to the burbs for the good public schools then vote for republicans that are anti public education. Most politicians wont come out and say it but get them behind closed doors and the truth comes out. If you live in western round rock, far north Austin, cedar park or Leander, and care about education, please consider supporting Bucy. His wife is a teacher and his platform on education is great. Here is a link to a map of his district. I think he has a real shot, especially with the popularity of Beto in the area. https://www.bucyfortexas.com/map
  8. This. It’s all about turning out the younger liberals. We will continue to win the war on Twitter and instagram but until these people start showing up in significant numbers, Republicans will continue to win the war at the ballot box, where it counts. If you ever start thinking that things are going to change, read this. Read it over and over again. Make your friends that care about dem politics read it. It’s nothing earth shattering in the slightest, just a reminder of the monumental amount of work that has to be done in every single election to truly change things. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2018/7/18/17585898/young-voter-turnout-polls-midterms-2018
  9. “This is now part of art history in its shredded state and we’d estimate Banksy has added at a minimum 50% to its value, possibly as high as being worth £2m plus.”
  10. I have a feeling I’m going to end up there on Sunday. I want to try their new Berliner weisse along with all the usuals.
  11. Good name for a cocktail. Ill agree on Siena and Fonda. Both still got it.
  12. So you watched your dads kiddie porn. That explains a lot Jared from subway.
  13. New Beto ad I just saw for the first time. It’s just him in a pretty close shot addressing the attack ads against him. I don’t know if this is the right ad but I love the overall strategy. Address the ads directly but stay positive and continue to get your message out.
  14. This is why I don’t go to shaggy/surly happy hours. 95% chance I end up in a shed getting beaten with a garden hose by atomheart’s neighbor dressed like a cop.
  15. Sounds like you have an aggy infestation on your hands. Serious condition with no known cure.
  16. Not sure if serious. Republicans have already made the choice to stop supporting certain candidates to divert money to others. If we force them to send money to Cruz, then more people get cut off elsewhere.
  17. Cool 1,000 “patriots” four days after Beto had 55,000.
  18. I’m really torn on that. I love the campaign Beto is running. His positivity is what led me to open my wallet for a politician for the first time ever. On the other hand, you have a piece of shit in every aspect of the word and you are going to do nothing to draw attention to it? Maybe some outside groups can do the dirty work and Beto can keep his nose clean.
  19. Those polls are weighted by a number of factors such as demographics and voting history. They don’t take into account Beto’s massive gotv effort with pop up offices in every neighborhood. If Cruz is ahead two points in the polls, he’s fucked.
  20. I’m going to pretend MJ isn’t losing that pill by 20 points.
  21. I refreshed it and now it says they have spoken to 4 people. Great concept, poor execution. I’ll keep checking back though. edit: clicking results over time gives a different/better view for me.
  22. Anybody know how this works? It was at 10 respondents last night out of thousands called. It’s sitting at 8 right now but there are more dots than that on the map below.
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