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Larry T. Spider

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Everything posted by Larry T. Spider

  1. They run a ton of those ads in the morning because the olds they are trying to scare are up. Seriously, the whole campaign is scaring old people into voting for Cruz.
  2. Checked my mail for the first time in a while. Five different mailers for MJ all paid for by the Texas Democratic Party. Not necessarily the most effective way of campaigning but I’m glad they are helping out in some way. Helps build name recognition and let’s people know about her service.
  3. Florida looks a lot like Texas (America). Completeyred other than a few blue dots. But it’s 50/50 on the total votes.
  4. Article is such a good read and it’s implications reach far beyond Iowa dairy farming. Millions of republicans line up every other year to vote against their self-interests because republicans speak their language. You see the same thing with ted Cruz in Texas. He has nothing to run on so he talks about kneeling during the anthem. These fools eat it up.
  5. When I click that Fox News link I get Talbots ads. They know their audience well.
  6. Doubling down on being the party of “grab em by the pussy” and not the Republican Party I grew up with. Good luck with that.
  7. Most of us are on both threads, but note the millions being spent on Cruz in Texas. Also, note the money being pulled from republicans elsewhere. Make the connection.
  8. Possibly hurts this race as it will 100% be spent on attack ads against Beto. BUT, we have said all along that Beto is going to help every swing district dem in the country by forcing conservative resources into an area that pubs used to sleepwalk though. Wheb Texas truly goes purple, good luck republicans. You are going to need all the super pac money you can get.
  9. Are you talking about trump and stormy?
  10. Even if he doesn’t hit the target, this shows that a Texas Democrat can raise over 4 mil in just a few days from ordinary people.
  11. Somebody mentioned Ed’s in Taylor. Great burger.
  12. Not that we needed it, but more evidence that’s it’s all about motivating the base at this point for Cruz.
  13. Author does a great job of showing how similar trump and Cruz are even though some Texans hold him up as some intellectual heavyweight. Being brilliant doesn’t help when you are always appealing to the lowest common denominator.
  14. I see the American Dream everyday working in a public school. Sometimes the kids are too young to realize it, but the parents get it. Many risked everything they have and know to come here, work a shit job, and send their kids to school in a safe environment where they have opportunity. Anybody that doesn’t believe in the American Dream should go volunteer at their neighborhood school and meet the kids and their families.
  15. How Neanderthals watch that commercial: 1. Cruz is for guys that got their legs blown off in the military. 2. Military guys that got their legs blown off are for cruz. 3. I support guys like them and I stand for the national anthem, so I must be for Cruz too. Mix in a few “Beto wants illegals to rape your grandma” commercials and it’s a done deal.
  16. That is why all efforts to sway republicans should be abandoned. Focus every effort in engaging the chronically disengaged voter. They will vote for the guy even when they know he is a crook.
  17. Any beers made in Manhattan Kansas?
  18. And a comprehensive GOTV program directly targeted at registering younger voters and educating them on the process. If we had a viable democrat party in Texas to work on these things, Texas could be much closer to purple already.
  19. It’s the Ohio version of cash for clunkers.
  20. Stop taking kids from their parents and locking them in jails or sending them thousands of miles away and then we can have a real conversation about hate in politics.
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